Press statement of Ambassador Dan Ben-Eliezer on the recent Fatah-Hamas agreement

Statement of Ambassador Dan Ben-Eliezer

    ​H.E. Ambassador of the State of Israel to Bucharest, Mr. Dan Ben-Eliezer, issued a press statement on the recent decision taken by the Government of Israel to suspend the negotiations with the Palestinian Authority after nine months, due to the reconciliation agreement between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.
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    Ambassador Dan Ben-Eliezer Ambassador Dan Ben-Eliezer
    שגריר ישראל
    Israel has strived for peace with the Palestinian Authority, according to an agreed-upon two-state solution, so that both peoples can live side-by-side in peace and security and have a better future. In the past few months, following the efforts of US Secretary of State Kerry's, the parties were very close to achieving an agreement on extending negotiations and promoting relations between both sides.
    But unfortunately time after time, just before the unveiling of an agreement, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas initiated moves that thwarted the possibility of reaching it: the first time by a unilateral act to join 15 international conventions; the second time by threatening the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority; and the third time by announcing the establishment of a coalition government with the Hamas, an internationally recognized terrorist organization. These moves are consistent with Israel's previous experience with Abbas at the Annapolis talks in 2007, when he refused to sign the proposal that was formulated together with the US.
    The recent agreement between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas was signed while Israel was making tremendous efforts in order to advance and extend negotiations with the Palestinians, even though the PA does not control Gaza.
    The Fatah-Hamas agreement reveals once again Palestinian rejectionism of any advancement of the negotiations with Israel. By his reconciliation with the Hamas, Mahmoud Abbas is persisting in his strategy of confrontation towards Israel, as well as the perpetuation of conflict instead of striving for direct dialogue and realistic solutions.
    As you may know, Hamas is defined as a terrorist organization not only by Israel, but also by the United States, the European Union, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan and Egypt. Rather than making the choice for peace, President Abbas is aligning himself with a murderous terrorist organization, whose charter calls for Muslims to fight and kill Jews and for the destruction of the State of Israel. The Hamas has launched more than 10,000 rockets and mortars at Israel, sent suicide bombers into Israeli cities and is responsible for the killing of hundreds of Israeli civilians.
    It is important to remember that Hamas also categorically rejects the Quartet [the US, EU, Russia and UN] conditions: to stop terrorism, recognize Israel, and accept previous agreements signed between the Palestinian Authority and Israel.
    Therefore, the international community has to make clear now to President Abbas that reaching an agreement with Israel is not consistent with signing an agreement with Hamas. A Palestinian technical government can only be relevant if Hamas fully accepts and implements the Quartet three conditions.
    That is why Israel has decided to suspend the negotiations until it is clear in which direction Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas chooses to go.


    Dan Ben-Eliezer
