Press release on anti-Semitic carol

Press release on anti-Semitic carol

    Press release
    The Embassy of the State of Israel to Bucharest expresses its deep concern regarding a carol performed by “Dor transilvan” choir, conducted by Mr. Tiberiu Groza, during a TV show on TVR 3, Friday, December 6, 2013, which included strong anti-Semitic messages.
    The relevant passage from the carol is as follows:
    „A născut un fiu frumos
    Anume Iisus Hristos
    Toată lumea i se-nchină,
    Numai jidovii-l îngână.
     Jidovan afurisit
    Nu l-ar răbda Domnul sfânt 
     Nici în cer, nici pe pământ..
    Numai la corlan (= horn), la fum,
    Acolo-i jidovul bun, 
    Să iasă șfară (= fum) în drum".
    The Embassy finds highly disturbing that such a carol appeared in the Romanian media, especially on the Romanian National Television.
    Given the efforts nowadays of both Governments of Romania and the State of Israel to combat xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination in all its forms, we should be alarmed by such manifestations that might fuel pockets of anti-Semitic sentiments in Romania.

    The Embassy hopes that appropriate steps will be taken by the respective Romanian authorities so that this type of despicable incidents will not happen again.