President Rivlin addresses German Unity Day reception 23 Oct 2014

President Rivlin addresses German Unity Day reception

    President Rivlin: "Germany is acting to support Israel's ability to protect itself, and its leaders understand that terror organizations cannot run the world."
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    President Rivlin with German Ambassador Andreas Michaelis President Rivlin with German Ambassador Andreas Michaelis Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the Office of the President)

    President Reuven Rivlin this evening addressed a reception to mark the German Unity Day, at the home of the German Ambassador to Israel, H.E. Andreas Michaelis and his wife Mrs. Heike Michaelis. The President noted, "This day celebrates new beginnings. It is a day that has meaning for all people who seek to find common ground where there is division. This day is about the will of people to break down barriers, and learn to live side by side, not divided by walls, neither physical nor virtual.
    "We have learned from history and at a terrible price. It is important we continue to teach this lesson, educating about the Holocaust, and the dangers of racism and anti-Semitism. In West Germany, in East Germany, in a united Germany, in Europe, and all over.
    "I would like to emphasize the excellent relationship and friendship between our two countries. You are great friends to Israel, and of the region. You are great supporters of the efforts to find confidence building measures between the peoples of the Middle East.
    "Germany is acting to support Israel's ability to protect itself, and its leaders understand that terror organizations cannot run the world. They understand the problems which arise when a state must stand up and fight against terror organizations."
    Ambassador Michaelis said, "The Middle East of today confronts us with a different political reality. This is not Europe at the end of the last century. But the reality in this part of the world can be transformed, too. And we are all responsible to make it happen.
    "Israel needs a stable and peaceful environment. It is totally unacceptable that this country has repeatedly become the victim of rocket and terror attacks. We should not witness another Gaza War or new confrontations on Israel`s borders. We have to break this cycle of violence."
    He concluded, "Germany has pledged to do its part to ensure that Israel will be able to live in peace and security. This is and remains one of the central pillars of German policy."