President Peres meets with Italian FM Federica Mogherini 16 July 2014

President Peres meets with Italian FM Federica Mogherini

    President Peres: We would like to see permanent peace instead of ongoing terror. This time Hamas is isolated, justice has a clear majority.
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    President Peres with Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini in Jerusalem President Peres with Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the Office of the President)
    President Shimon Peres, this morning (Wednesday, 16 July 2014), held a diplomatic working meeting with Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini, during which they discussed the ongoing security situation. President Peres welcomed Foreign Minister Mogherini and said, "It's a clear situation today, because Egypt offered a ceasefire. Israel accepted it. The Arab League accepted it. The only one that refused and continues to fire is the Hamas. We're trying to defend our own people, as we must, and we're also trying hard not to hit innocent people in Gaza."
    President Peres told the Foreign Minister of the ongoing efforts by the IDF to reduce civilian casualties, "There is a zone from which most of the rockets are being fired and we issued a warning to the people to leave instead of becoming victims of the Hamas policy, which tries to protect their rockets with civilians. Our choice is to do what we can to minimize civilian casualties and we are permitting the arrival of food and other essential supplies including medication."
    President Peres thanked Europe for its support and said, "Europe and the US took a clear stance against the one-sided, unreasonable and cruel policy of Hamas. I think Hamas will meet its end because no one will continue to support terror, and that will be the best news for the people of Gaza. At the same time we shall continue to look for ways and openings to renew the political negotiations, but we would like to see a permanent peace instead of ongoing terror. This time Hamas is isolated, justice has a clear majority."
    Foreign Minister Mogherini thanked President Peres and said, "It's a visit we planned weeks ago but is even more important in these days, first of all to get a closer insight into the dynamic and also to show our concern. My visit in Ashdod yesterday showed me the strong physical and psychological pressure on the people. As a mother I understand very well the pressure and the tension there and at the same time the number of civilian victims in Gaza is extremely worrying. I think it's in the interest of the Israeli and Palestinian people, especially in Gaza, to stop this. All that we can do to support a ceasefire will be done, not only Italy but also in coordination with the other European countries and the United States. I hope that these difficult days will come to an end soon. My visit is to support this effort to reach a ceasefire and immediately restart talks in a dynamic and creative way, to end this conflict."
    The Foreign Minister continued and said, "The region is tense and there is the risk of radicalization in the Arab world and also in Europe, where we know we have to pay attention to the risk of anti-Semitism, especially in these days."