Position of H.E. Ambassador of Israel on the latest EU directive

Ambassador's position on EU directive

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    Ambassador Dan Ben-Eliezer Ambassador Dan Ben-Eliezer
    Israel expresses great disappointment at the publishing by the European Union of the new criteria regarding the accessibility of Israeli entities to EU financial instruments within the agreements between Israel and the EU. 
    The new guidelines damage the intensive efforts made these days for the renewal of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and project a wrong and counterproductive message. By supporting the demands of the Palestinian Authority, especially since Mahmoud Abbas refuses to enter into direct negotiations with Israel, the EU in fact signals to the Palestinians that negotiations are not needed.
    As long as the Palestinians will see that they are able to achieve what they want through the assistance of the European Union without having to return to the negotiations table, they will not have an incentive to restart the Peace Process. Instead of trying to encourage Mahmoud Abbas to relaunch talks with Israel, the EU is taking unbalanced steps that will bolster the Palestinian position.
    The EU has proven again its inability to serve as an honest player and to effectively promote peace in the region.
    Peace between Israel and the Palestinians will be reached only through the return to direct negotiations, agreed upon by the two sides. In the last four years Mahmoud Abbas has been refusing to enter a substantial dialogue with Israel, therefore it is time that Europe will actively support direct talks without preconditions.
    It is surprising and disappointing that at the same many other countries in the Middle East suffer from aggressive turmoil, bloodshed, and severe abuse of human rights, the EU is taking measures directed only against Israel.
    Israel has stated many times and reiterates its readiness to immediately renew the negotiations with the Palestinian side, without any preconditions.
    Dan Ben-Eliezer
    Ambassador of the State of Israel in Romania