PM Netanyahu speaks with British PM Cameron 20 Jul 2014

PM Netanyahu speaks with British PM Cameron

    The international community must work toward the demilitarization of Gaza. Hamas is a murderous terrorist organization that is sacrificing the residents of Gaza as human shields while Israel is making every effort to avoid hitting Gaza residents.
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening (Sunday, 20 July 2014), spoke with British Prime Minister David Cameron and thanked him for his support of Israel's right to defend itself.

    Prime Minister Netanyahu updated Prime Minister Cameron about the IDF operation against Hamas's terrorist tunnels which have been dug into Israeli territory in order perpetrate large-scale terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens. He emphasized that Israel had accepted the Egyptian ceasefire proposal, the UN request for a humanitarian ceasefire and the Red Cross humanitarian ceasefire proposal, whereas Hamas rejected the Egyptian initiative and violated both the UN request and the Red Cross request.

    Prime Minister Netanyahu told Prime Minister Cameron that the international community must work toward the demilitarization of Gaza and pointed out that Hamas is a murderous terrorist organization that is sacrificing the residents of Gaza as human shields while Israel is making every effort to avoid hitting Gaza residents.