PM Netanyahu meets with US Rep. Issa 21 August 2014

PM Netanyahu meets with US Rep. Issa

    PM Netanyahu: Radical Islamic terrorism threatens the entire world. The free world must stand together against this terrorism. That's the only way we'll roll them back, ultimately that's the only way we'll defeat them
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    PM Netanyahu meeting with US Rep. Darrell Issa in Jerusalem PM Netanyahu meeting with US Rep. Darrell Issa in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
     (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today (Thursday, 21 August 2014), met with US Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA). Following are their remarks at the start of their meeting:
    Prime Minister Netanyahu:
    "The radical Islamic terrorism now threatens the entire world. It threatens Israel, it threatens the United States, it threatens the moderate Arab regimes, it threatens Europe, everybody. I think that we face the same Islamist terror network and we have to fight it together. Hamas is ISIS, ISIS is Hamas. You saw the gruesome beheading of James Foley, we see the gruesome murder of three teenagers, which Hamas just admitted that they did. These are branches of the same poisonous tree. We have to make a common front against the common front of radical Islamic terrorism. The free world and democracies have to stand together against this terrorism. That's the only way we'll roll them back, ultimately that's the only way we'll defeat them. I want to welcome you and I want to thank the strong American support from the President, through the Secretary of State, through both houses of Congress  and the Senate, everybody, the American people. It's a great source of support for Israel at this time."
    US Representative Issa:
    "Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister. It's good to be back in Israel and I think equally important, we are at a pivotal time when the world, both the Arab and the West, have awakened to ISIS as a second threat over and above the Iranian threat through all of their tentacles. And I think it's a point of great discovery that is important that the United States coordinate with its closest ally anywhere and particularly one that knows this area and one that has developed an amazing ability to work with difficult partners. I was in Jordan; I was in Egypt; and they sang very much the praises of how, in common interest, important things are being done to go after fundamentalism, whether it's the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas or of course the threat of Da'ash. And that's where this relationship has an opportunity to become even stronger and more united and it's your leadership that's helped bring that together. You know you have the support of Congress and the entire American people."