PM Netanyahu meets with Japanese FM Fumio Kishida 13 May 2014

PM Netanyahu meets with Japanese FM Fumio Kishida

    We see a danger and a challenge posed by a rogue state arming itself with nuclear weapons. In your case it's North Korea and we obviously sympathize and understand the predicament facing you.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Japanese FM Fumio Kishida (May 2014) PM Netanyahu meets with Japanese FM Fumio Kishida (May 2014) Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Tuesday, 14 May 2014), in Tokyo, met with Japanese Foreign Minister and made the following remarks at the start of their meeting:

    "We are interested in peace and stability throughout the world. We see a danger and a challenge posed by a rogue state arming itself with nuclear weapons. In your case it's North Korea and we obviously sympathize and understand the predicament facing you. We are faced with such a rogue state in the form of Iran and its quest to develop nuclear weapons.

    I think yesterday's UN report is another example of how Iran continues to deceive the world and advance its nuclear program. Clearly the Ayatollahs cannot be trusted and if the international community wants to avoid the specter of nuclear terrorism, they must assure that Iran, the foremost sponsor of terrorism on the planet, not have the capability to develop nuclear weapons. This is our number one concern but I think it should be shared by everyone who is concerned by the proliferation of nuclear terrorism and nuclear weapons.

    There is a second goal to discuss, the advancement of peace with the Palestinians. Since your visit we had a turn for the worse because the Palestinian Authority has made a pact with Hamas. Hamas is committed to our destruction.

    We remain committed to advancing the peace, preferably a negotiated peace. But we can only negotiate with a government whose constituent parts are committed to peace. If President Abbas goes ahead with this national unity with Hamas, a terrorist organization that regularly fires rockets into Israel, then we'll have to hold him accountable for every rocket that is fired from Gaza, to Israel. We hope that this pact is dissolved and we can find a way to return to genuine negotiations with a genuine peace partner."