PM Netanyahu departs on European visit 9 December 2017

PM Netanyahu departs on European visit

    While I respect Europe, I am not prepared to accept a double standard. I hear voices from there condemning President Trump's historic statement but I have not heard condemnations of the rockets fired at Israel or the terrible incitement against it.
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    PM Netanayhu and his wife Sara departing for Europe PM Netanayhu and his wife Sara departing for Europe Copyright: GPO/Avi Ohayon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening (Saturday, 9 December 2017), made the following remarks upon leaving on a diplomatic visit to Paris and Brussels:
    "I am now leaving for Paris and Brussels. In Paris I will meet with my friend, French President Emmanuel Macron. I will then hold an important meeting in Brussels with European foreign ministers. It has been 22 years since an Israeli Prime Minister has held such a meeting.
    I ascribe great importance to Europe. While I respect Europe, I am not prepared to accept a double standard from it. I hear voices from there condemning President Trump's historic statement but I have not heard condemnations of the rockets fired at Israel or the terrible incitement against it.
    I am not prepared to accept this hypocrisy, and as usual at this important forum, I will present Israel's truth without fear and with head held high."