PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon visit victims of Jerusalem terror attacks 1 July 2015

PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon visit victims of Jerusalem terror attacks

    PM Netanyahu: We join with Egypt and with many other countries in the struggle against the extremist Islamic terrorism that is guided by Iran and the Shiite extremists and by ISIS and the Sunni extremists, as well as other factions such as Hamas.
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    PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon visiting wounded victims at Hadassah-Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon visiting wounded victims at Hadassah-Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, this afternoon (Wednesday, 1 July 2015), at Hadassah-Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem, visited the IDF military policewoman who was stabbed earlier this week at Rachel's Tomb and a man who was wounded in the shooting attack near Shilo.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu:
    "We just visited the wounded, who showed courage, level-headedness and very great strength of spirit. The Defense Minister and I wished them a quick recovery. Of course, we express our condolences to, and share in the grief of, Eliezer and Sarah Rosenfeld, who lost their son Malachi, an exceptional and special young man. There is no greater pain than that of parents who have lost a son or daughter. The hearts of all Israelis are with them.
    Terrorism is knocking at our borders. ISIS is not just opposite the Golan Heights. At the moment it is also in Egypt, opposite Rafiah, facing our borders and we are joined with Egypt and with many other countries in the Middle East and the world in the struggle against the extremist Islamic terrorism that is guided by two elements – Iran and the Shiite extremists, and ISIS and the Sunni extremists, as well as other factions such as Hamas. We are fighting them. We know that they are also striking inside our borders, as happened here, but we also know that we have foiled over 200 attempted attacks since the start of last year. We will reach these murderers and terrorists as well. We will exact a heavy price from both the terrorists and those who send them."
    Defense Minister Yaalon:
    "I would like to express my condolences to the Rosenfeld family. We are all with this family and embrace it. I would also like to wish a quick recovery to the wounded who we visited here at the hospital. I hope that the doctors here, and time, will work towards their rapid recovery.
    The IDF in Judea and Samaria – assisted by the ISA – will continue to act to apprehend the terrorists; I believe this will happen sooner rather than later. The terrorism is fed by Palestinian Authority incitement, and outside pressure – that starts with Iran's financing of Hamas – to commit attacks. We have recently foiled very many cells. We will reach this one too, unfortunately after it has carried out its design.
    There is Islamic terrorism throughout the Middle East. I would like to embrace the Egyptian people in the wake of this morning's difficult event in Sinai, a very harsh attack with dozens of casualties, which underscores the fact that this terrorism is engulfing the Middle East. Behind this terrorism stands a country like Iran, and organizations like ISIS, Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. It is our responsibility, as a state, along with the other countries that are dealing with terrorism, to cooperate and not allow it to raise its head, and I believe that this is what will be done."

    Addressing the diplomatic corps at the Foreign Ministry (Wednesday, 1 July 2015), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said:
    "We send our condolences to the government and people of Egypt, and to the families of the Egyptians that were slain by this vicious terrorism."