PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon meet with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon 22 Jul 2014

PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon meet with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

    PM Netanyahu: "The international community must take a clear stand; it must hold Hamas accountable for consistently rejecting the ceasefire proposals and for starting and prolonging this conflict.
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    PM Netanyahu and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon PM Netanyahu and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Copyright: GPO
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    At the start of his meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (Tuesday, 22 July 2014), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed him the remains of rockets that were recently launched at Israeli cities from the Gaza Strip, including a 122mm Grad rocket with a range of up to 20 kilometers and a second rocket with a range of up to 40 kilometers.

    PM Netanyahu also showed the UN Secretary General incriminating aerial photographs attesting to the fact that Hamas is using the population as human shields, flyers that were distributed to Gaza residents requesting that they evacuate the place where they are so as to avoid injury, and a video clip in which IDF soldiers locate ready-for-use Grad rocket launchers on the grounds of an agricultural school in Beit Hanun.
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
    , today (Tuesday, 22 July 2014), at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, made the following remarks at his meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:
    "Mr. Secretary, I appreciate the fact that you came here and that you took time to see what we've just shown you. I think it's clear that Israel is doing what any country would do if terrorists rained down rockets on its cities and towns - hundreds of rockets, day after day, week after week. In addition, as I've shown you, Hamas has dug terrorist tunnels under hospitals, mosques, schools, homes, to penetrate our territory, to kidnap and kill Israelis.
    Now, in the face of such wanton terrorism, no country could sit idly by. It would exercise its right, inherent and legitimate right of self-defense as we are doing, and act decisively to end the threat to its citizens. This is what Israel is doing.
    We did not seek this escalation, Mr. Secretary. We accepted the Egyptian ceasefire proposal. I don't need to remind you it was a proposal that was supported by the UN, by the Arab League, by the United States, by Europe. Hamas rejected it. We accepted the humanitarian ceasefire proposal that the UN proposed afterward. Hamas rejected that. We accepted the ceasefire proposal of the Red Cross in Shejaia. Hamas rejected that, twice.
    I think the international community must take a clear stand; it must hold Hamas accountable for consistently rejecting the ceasefire proposals and for starting and prolonging this conflict. The international community must hold Hamas accountable for its increasing and indiscriminate attacks on Israeli civilians. And the international community must hold Hamas accountable for using Palestinian civilians as human shields deliberately putting them in harm's way, deliberately keeping them in harm's way.
    Mr. Secretary, we have made every effort and will continue to make every effort to avoid civilian casualties. We are targeting Hamas terrorist targets. We've just shown you these targets, embedded in civilian areas, embedded in mosques, embedded in hospitals, embedded in agricultural schools. Hamas is embedded in there in order to sustain civilian casualties, because they know that we will have to protect our citizens; that we have to act against their targets. So they are committing a double war crime: both targeting our civilians and hiding behind their civilians. And they want - I repeat - they want more civilian casualties, whereas we want no civilian casualties at all, and we're taking the utmost pain to minimize that.
    I think the people of Gaza, and that's become absolutely clear to the world, are the victims of the brutal Hamas regime. They are holding them hostage and they are hiding behind them.
    You know, Mr. Secretary, the international community has pressed us to give cement to Gaza to build schools, hospitals, homes. And now we see what has happened to those deliveries of cement. They have been used to dig tunnels next to a kindergarten, not to build a kindergarten but to build a tunnel that penetrates our territory so that Hamas can blow up our kindergartens and murder our children.
    They've used for a long time our willingness to try to keep civilians at a minimum. They've been using them to keep on firing at us. We have even opened up a field hospital, Mr. Secretary, to help Hamas civilians, and Hamas is preventing civilians of Gaza from going to our hospital. I believe that you understand this. I believe that you understand that it is the right of every state to defend itself. And Israel will continue to do what it needs to do to defend its people.
    Mr. Secretary, this is not only our right; this is our duty."

    (Communicated by the Defense Ministry International Media Advisor)
    Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, today (Tuesday, 22 July 2014), made the following remarks at the start of his meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:
    "Welcome Secretary General. You're most welcome in our country Israel.
    We very much appreciate your sincere intentions to put an end to the violence in the region.
    As you know, we are engaged now in the 15th day of Operation Protective Edge which was actually initiated by Hamas, its provocations of rocket launches on our civilians and it has been deteriorated and now we are trying to stop it by all means - to stop the violence. Unfortunately we have here in the Gaza Strip a terror entity led by Hamas with other terror factions, violating international law and order and international law, by using rockets and all kinds of terror targeting deliberately our civilians and using their own civilians as human shield. This is a challenge for us, myself as the Defense Minister and the Israel Defense Forces how to confront and stop this kind of terror.
    We do our utmost to avoid civilian casualties, but it is almost impossible in this populated area in Gaza which is used by Hamas as a launching pad for rockets and of course as a base for the terror offensive.
    We will show you later on all kinds of tools used by Hamas; how they launch rockets from schools, mosques, neighborhoods and so forth, and the way that they use now underground tunnels trying to attack our civilians and communities around the Gaza Strip, which is a relatively new challenge, which we have to stop as well.
    I hope in this visit you will have a better understanding of the challenges ahead of us. Israel is a democracy and a member of the United Nations and we look forward to the international support in the way that we believe that this threat should be confronted. We are ready and determined to continue this operation until we stop this wave of violence against our civilians.
    Thank you."