PM Netanyahu addresses ceremony marking 70 years of the IDF 7 May 2018

PM Netanyahu addresses ceremony marking 70 years of the IDF

    Whoever hurts us, we will hurt them. The enemies who threaten us with destruction should know that they will encounter an iron wall. They cannot overcome us and they are putting themselves in grave danger.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses ceremony marking 70 years of the IDF PM Netanyahu addresses ceremony marking 70 years of the IDF Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach
    ​ (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, this evening (Monday, 7 May 2018), at Latrun, attended a ceremony marking 70 years of the IDF. Following is an excerpt from the Prime Minister's remarks:
    "Unfortunately, in Israel's wars there have also been casualties, the memories of whom are ingrained in us. We extend a hand to the bereaved families, embrace the wounded and vow to bring back the missing.
    To our regret, from time to time we are called upon to pay a price on both the battlefield and the home front. The establishment of the state has not led to a cessation of the desire to attack us. What it has brought is the ability to make war against our enemies. Whoever hurts us, we will hurt them. The enemies who threaten us with destruction should know that they will encounter an iron wall. They cannot overcome us and they are putting themselves in grave danger.”
    In contrast to our enemies, we wage our struggle while upholding purity of arms and while making a constant effort to avoid harming innocents as much as possible. No military is more moral than the IDF. Our steel fist is clenched and ready but before everything it depends on spirit, the undaunted spirit of the men and women who serve in the IDF, in every unit, in every role.”
    We will continue to guard the State of Israel, a precious legacy that has been placed in our hands. Five hundred meters from here, on the nearby hill, in Emmaus, the army of Judah Maccabee fought with bravery and resourcefulness. The Maccabees did not stop until they had achieved victory.”
    This is your mission as well. Victory in battle, victory in war, victory over our enemies, if war is forced on us.”
    I have confidence in you, in the Chief-of-Staff, commanders and soldiers. The entire nation has confidence in you. The entire nation is proud of you and on behalf of the entire nation, I salute you."