PM Netanyahu meets with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe 12 May 2014

PM Netanyahu meets with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe

    PM Netanyahu: We cannot let the Ayatollahs win; we cannot enable the world’s foremost terror states to get the capability to make nuclear weapons.
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    PM Netanyahu with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe PM Netanyahu with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Copyright: GPO
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Following is an excerpt from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks at his meeting today (Monday, 12 May 2014), in Tokyo, with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe:
    "We share a commitment to take this traditional friendship and bring it into the technological age. We think there is opportunity in economy and trade, in science and technology, in energy and agriculture, in security and counter-terrorism and of course, in the pursuit of peace and stability in our region and throughout the world.

    We also know that Japan and Israel face common challenges. First among them is the threat posed by rogue states arming themselves with nuclear weapons. You have called North Korea's development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles a 'clear and present danger', and I whole heartedly share that assessment. Those same words 'clear and present danger' certainly apply to the Iranian nuclear program as well. Like North Korea before it, Iran wants to keep its military nuclear capabilities while easing the sanctions that are applied to it. We cannot let the Ayatollahs win; we cannot enable the world’s foremost terror states to get the capability to make nuclear weapons. That would be a grave danger to the peace of the world and we must not allow it to happen."