Op-ed International Terrorism Demands International Action

Op-ed by H.E. Ambassador

    International Terrorism Demands International Action
    Terrorism has struck yet again taking the lives of innocents. While massive terrorist attacks have not occurred for some time, smaller attacks continue to plague blameless civilians. Indeed, there has been a growing wave of orchestrated terrorist activity since the beginning of 2012. Unfortunately, until recently, there has been little international attention paid to this developing threat.
    The July 18th attack on a tourist bus at the airport in Burgas, a quiet holiday resort in Bulgaria, a neighboring country to Romania, raised awareness of this menace. But it was only the latest in a long list of terrorist attacks and attempted attacks against Israeli and other Western targets. Most were thwarted, but unfortunately, a few succeeded. Six innocent people were murdered in Burgas, including the Bulgarian bus driver. Last February, an Israeli diplomat's wife was badly hurt by a bomb in New Delhi, whereas a concurrent attack in Tbilisi, Georgia, was stopped in time. Similarly, last October the US foiled a plot against the Saudi Arabian ambassador to Washington and, recently, Cyprian authorities arrested a Hizbullah operative planning an attack. Other terrorist attacks against Israeli targets were attempted but failed in Thailand, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Kenya.
    All these terrorist activities can be traced back to either the Iranian Revolutionary Guards or Iran's proxy, the Lebanese Hizbullah organization. Those terrorists that were arrested were either Iranian citizens or Hizbullah henchmen. Some were detained while establishing terrorist infrastructures for future attacks and others were caught in possession of weapons or explosives, just before completing their heinous plans.
    But nothing is new. Twenty years ago, the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina was bombed, killing 29 and wounding about 300 innocent people. Two years later in 1994, and perhaps not coincidentally on July 18th, the same date as the attack in Bulgaria, the Argentinean Jewish Community Center, AMIA, was also bombed, murdering 85 and injuring hundreds.  A special investigation by the Argentinean Government determined unequivocally that the attack was carried out by Hizbullah, with the support of leaders of the Iranian government.
    In recent times, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Hizbullah have laid the foundations for attacks on five continents and in approximately 24 countries. Their terrorists are ready to strike anywhere – in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. They have a global network supported by Iran and the clandestine operatives trained to achieve their nefarious goals.
    These terrorists are prepared to trample the sovereignty of foreign states and have no respect for the lives of citizens of any foreign state. Although their favorite targets may be innocent Israeli citizens, they are more than willing to kill or maim any bystanders. Indeed, many of their successful attacks have murdered more local citizens than Israelis.
    That is one reason why terrorism must be met with a global response. The free world has learned through long and bitter experience that coordinated actions are among the best defenses against terrorism.
    Solidarity is the first step in coordination. Indeed, the international community has expressed its sympathy to the victims as well as firmly condemning the attack in Bulgaria. Not only have political leaders and decision-makers denounced this terrorist act, so too has the UN Security Council.
    However important these statements of condemnation are, they are not sufficient. Concrete measures must be taken to isolate the terrorists and those who train, equip, finance and direct their activities. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Hizbullah should be identified as terrorist groups and included in the official lists of terrorist organizations.
    The United States recognized Hizbullah as a terrorist organization in 1995, joined by Canada, Holland, Egypt and Bahrain. Hizbullah’s military wing was similarly recognized by the UK, New Zealand and Australia. It is time for the rest of the international community to follow suit. In particular the European Union - many of whose member states have been targeted by these terrorists - should act swiftly and decisively.
    Throughout the years, and specifically in the wake of 9/11, the United Nations had adopted resolutions and established professional bodies to deal with terrorism. These decisions call on member states to act against terrorism – including by investigating, providing evidence and preventing attacks. These principles must be applied to Iran, the primary purveyor of international terrorism and its proxy, Hizbullah.
    Only significant action can deter Iran and Hizbullah, thereby preventing future attacks. Only resolute activity can bring justice to the victims of terrorism.
    Dan Ben-Eliezer
    Ambassador of the State of Israel to Romania