On the decision to exclude Israel from the UN List of Shame 9 June 2015

On the decision to exclude Israel from the UN List of Shame

    The State of Israel acted to protect its citizens from attacks by a murderous terror organization, which has no qualms about placing Palestinian civilians, including children, in the firing line.
    (Communicated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson)
    The State of Israel should never have been included in the UN Secretary General's List of Shame, and it is therefore only natural and logical that it has been excluded from it.
    The State of Israel acted to protect its citizens from attacks by a murderous terror organization, which has no qualms about placing Palestinian civilians, including children, in the line of fire. This organization, Hamas, did not hesitate to use children as human shields and to sacrifice their lives on the altar of hatred against Israel.
    Israel, however, did everything in its power to avoid civilian casualties. This is our moral duty, and this is how we operate, out of a deep sense of commitment.