

    • Cabinet communique

      The French proposal to convene an international conference is an incentive for the Palestinians to come and not compromise. The substance of negotiations is compromise and the French initia ...
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    • Atacuri asupra cetățenilor israelieni (Ian 2016)

      ​În ultima perioadă au avut loc nenumărate atacuri teroriste asupra cetățenilor israelieni. Deși soldate cu victime, răspunsul prompt at autorităților și, cu precădere, vigilența populației ...
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    • Cabinet communique

      Our ability to position ourselves around the world, to be a strong country depends first on our military capabilities, but also on our ability to form alliances based on common. We are cons ...
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    • Cabinet communique

      Israel's policy is exactly as it has been – not to allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons. Iran will now have more resources to divert to terrorism and its aggression in the region and around ...
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    • Cabinet communique

      The role of the Mossad is becoming increasingly central in dealing with threats resulting from the rise of radical Islam and the terrorism that it spreads, as well as in forging links with ...
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