

    • Crusader gold cache found

      More than 100 gold coins were found hidden in a partly broken pottery vessel at the Apollonia National Park, where archaeologists say the former Crusader town of Apollonia-Arsuf once thrived.
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    • Netanyahu/Livnat meet athletes

      PM Netanyahu and Culture and Sports Minister Limor Livnat met on Monday, 9 July 2012, with the members of the Israeli Olympic delegation which will soon leave for London.
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    • UNHRC's action flawed

      This fact-finding mission will find no cooperation in Israel, and its members will not be allowed to enter Israel and the Territories.
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    • Olympics - Minute of silence

      Deputy FM Ayalon and the Munich widows thank the Australian Speaker of Parliament for the decision to hold a minute of silence in memory of the Israeli athletes murdered in Munich.
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    • Carmel Caves Heritage Site

      On Friday, 29 June 2012, the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO voted to list the Nahal Me'arot / Carmel Caves Nature Reserve as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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