My first year: from cybersec to medical clowns

My first year: from cybersec to medical clowns

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    ​I was glad to return to Romania after 20 years to meet old friends again, and to rediscover how many friends Israel has here. Moreover, I am honored by the new bonds we created this year and I kindly thank you for your heartwarming welcome.
    Looking back at the projects which unfolded last year I realize that it was an intense one and I am very pleased to share with you some of the activities we have succeeded to accomplish:

    The great partnership with “Daruiește Viață”
    Every year, on the occasion of the National Day, we organize a reception where hundreds of guests from all over the country come together to celebrate. Unlike in last years, in 2019 we decided to organize something different, and, therefore, we donated the funds for the reception to the Daruiește Viață​” Association, which is building the First Hospital of Pediatric Oncology and Radiotherapy in Romania
    Israel is a leading country in the global field of health and medical research, and innovation. Over the last seven decades, we have developed technologies and treatments that improve and save millions of live around the world. This project we have chosen to support reflects our commitment towards building a sustainable future and we hope that through this donation we will contribute to the fulfillment of this goal.

    A day of fun with the kids from MagiCAMP 
    The summer brought the embassy team to MagiCAMP, an initiative that offers retreat and constant support to children battling cancer. 
    Together with Olive and Yoyo, a team of medical clowns from the Israeli Dream Doctors NGO, we got to witness the smile on their faces. It was a very emotional visit, which led to us creating new bonds in a truly inspirational place.
    Besides meeting the children from MagiCAMP, I accompanied Olive and Yoyo to visit the little patients of Fundeni Institute and ”Grigore Alexandrescu” Children`s Hospital.
     Signing the Memorandum of Understanding on Cyber Security Cooperation
    During the last decade, Israel has become one of the global leaders in cyber security, a vital sector in today’s world. 
    We take pride in the long-lasting and dynamic friendship we enjoy with Romania and which, has crystalized over the years in numerous partnerships. In June, Israel and Romania signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Cyber Security Cooperation that reflects our mutual values and interests in building a better and safer future.
    Many success stories for Israeli companies 
    The Economic and Trade Mission of Israel to Romania attained an unprecedented number of success stories between Israeli and Romanian companies and entities. The highest numbers of success stories are in the fields of agriculture, cyber and HLS, and life science. 
    All these achievements were possible due to the strong interest shown by Israeli companies seeking to do business in Romania. In 2019, the Economic and Trade Mission assisted 2.5 times more companies than in 2018. 
    Aside from all these accomplishments, one of the things we are very proud of is that starting with 2019 OrCam MyEye became available on the Romanian medical market. Visually impaired or blind patients can “see” once again thanks to the revolutionary Israeli device that acts as their electronic eyes. What is even more encouraging is that Romanian authorities have included Orcam MyEye on the list of products covered by insurance, giving a chance to a wide number of people to regain their lost sense.  
    Increasing Tourism to ISRAEL 
    The flights between Bucharest and Tel Aviv were some of the busiest in 2019. More than 100.000 Romanians visited Israel last year, more than 17% compared to the previous one. Eight airlines connect six cities from Romania to Tel Aviv and Eilat and the flow of tourists continues to grow monthly.
    Therefore, it is not surprising that the Israeli Ministry of Tourism received the Webstock Excellence Award 2019. We are very glad that the ”Two Cities. One Break” campaign made Israel a top destination for more and more Romanians. This was possible also due to the partnership we share with Andra and Răzvan Pascu

    The Romanian cultural scene had many and great chances to get acquainted to Israeli fine art. For example, at Sibiu International Theatre Festival, one of the most important theatre festivals in Europe, Israeli contemporary dance was represented at its highest level – Batsheva & Vertigo dance companies were highlights among the guests. Tzavta & TAU theatres presented Hanoch Levin’s Murder, while Edna Mazia came to Bucharest to assist and attend the premiere of her play The New Criminals which continues to be staged at the Bucharest National Theatre. 

    Israeli literature was also honored, with Eshkol Nevo’s second Romanian translation being launched – Simetria Dorințelor – and a special stage reading from Amos Oz, in collaboration with Romania’s Jewish State Theatre, marking one year since his passing. 
    In 2019, Israel rhymed with Eurovision. Last year, Tel Aviv hosted the music competition after Netta Barzilai had won the grand prize in 2018. 
    The colorful Netta Barzilai was also invited to Bucharest to perform in the national finals for the Romanian selection. She rocked the stage with her songs Toy and Bassa Sababa. Furthermore, our Embassy embraced the amazing opportunity to honor Tel Aviv and, in May, we hosted a themed party named Destination Tel Aviv that brought together influencers, diplomats and fans alike to celebrate in the Eurovision way. 
    Connecting with the young generations 
    One of the goals set at the beginning of my mandate was to create bridges with the youth, to work together and develop new partnerships. The young generations embody the future of our countries and we highly cherish to have an open dialogue about our common aspirations and concerns, and to listen to their opinions. 
    On this note, I had multiple meetings with students from different academic backgrounds and held lectures in universities in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca. Last February, we launched the Romania-Israel Partnership Accelerator together with Innovation Labs, Politehnica University of Bucharest and Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. A number of 20 students from both countries worked together on providing customized solutions for local companies. Under the guidance of top mentors, entrepreneurs and industry specialists, the students gained hands-on experience in entrepreneurship, by developing solutions with real business feasibility.
    The Holocaust Memory and the March of the Living
    Romanian authorities show constant care for the Jewish community. In this regard, the decision of creating the National Museum of Jewish History and the Holocaust in Romania, which will recognize the country’s Jewish heritage, was particularly welcomed. And in this regard I thank President Klaus Iohannis for signing the Law. Romanian officials are also scheduled to attend Yad Vashem’s Fifth World Holocaust Forum in January 2020, a fact that further highlights the commitment to paying respect to history and cherishing education for the future.
    During its Presidency of the EU Council, Romania reaffirmed its commitment towards fighting against antisemitism and all forms of hate. Together with Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă and a group of students from Laude-Reut Educational Complex, I attended the March of the Living in Auschwitz. An emotional journey of remembrance, organized each year by Mrs. Tova Ben-Nun Cherbis, the President of the Complex, in an extraordinary effort of preserving the memory of the Holocaust.
    All of these projects are near and dear to me and I would like to thank all of our partners who supported us in implementing this significant work we did. Last but not least, special thanks to my Embassy​ team, without whom I couldn`t have accomplished all these projects. 
