Message of the Ambassador of Israel in Romania for the National Holocaust Remembrance Day

Ambassador's message for National Holocaust Day

    ​The message of H.E. Mr. Dan Ben-Eliezer, Ambassador of the State of Israel in Romania, on the occasion of the National Holocaust Remembrance Day.
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    Ambassador Dan Ben-Eliezer Ambassador Dan Ben-Eliezer
    Embassy of Israel in Romania
    Today is a solemn day of commemoration for the 6 million innocent Jews, men, women and children who perished in the Holocaust, the Shoah, and for the hundreds of thousands of Romanian Jews, who were stripped of their goods, their rights and their life. We also honor today those who survived, we pay tribute to those who saved them and reflect on the obligations bestowed upon us, the living.
    The Holocaust has shocked the very foundations of modern civilization, but out of the ashes of the greatest evil committed by mankind, the State of Israel arose as the homeland of the Jewish people. And with its creation, Israel has committed itself to protect Jews around the world and to fight relentlessly against discrimination in all its forms.
    The Holocaust represents a universal lesson, which resonates strong in our hearts even after 67 years. Anti-Semitism can still be felt in our modern days and, thus, we are faced with an obligation to the future: to identify, to combat, and to protest against racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism, in order to guarantee that the Holocaust will never happen again. This is a battle fought by the State of Israel and by the entire Jewish nation. This should be a battle fought also by governments and citizens around the world.      
    Romania has made important steps in recognition of the Holocaust, highlighting the acknowledgment of responsibility of the Romanian society towards its history. In this respect, I would like to express my appreciation to the Romanian Government for the legislation against the denial of Holocaust, for standing against anti-Semitic statements, and for introducing the study of the Holocaust in schools. But today there are still people who, out of ignorance or maliciousness, deny the Holocaust or the fact that it took place in Romania. Therefore, it is very important that the Romanian authorities will make sure that educational programs about the Holocaust are further developed and considered compulsory. 
    It is my belief that both our countries, which have been enjoying excellent relations and strong cooperation in diverse sectors, will continue to join forces in educating future generation about our past, in the spirit of tolerance, human dignity and peace.
    We must never forget the six million Jews who perished. We must never forget the Holocaust. It should remain prominent in our minds and hearts as a promise to uphold the sanctity of life.
    Ambassador of the State of Israel in Romania