Israels letter to UN Security Council regarding Hezbollah violations of UNSC resolutions

Israel's letter to UN Security Council President regarding Hezbollah violations of UNSC resolutions

    Israel's letter of June 20, 2017, to UN Security Council President regarding Hezbollah's ongoing military buildup in the guise of civilian activities in southern Lebanon, in clear violation of UNSC resolutions 1701 and 1559. ​
  • icon_zoom.png
    Hezbollah violations: Coordinates of the observation posts Hezbollah violations: Coordinates of the observation posts
    H.E. Sacha Sergio Llorenty Soliz
    President of the Security Council 
    United Nations 
    New York

    I am writing to alert you once again of the dangerous and destabilizing actions of the Iranian proxy, Hezbollah, in our region.
    Hezbollah, an internationally designated terrorist organization, continues to unabatedly strengthen its military infrastructure in the villages of southern Lebanon, in clear violation of Security Council resolutions 1701 and 1559. Evidence of Hezbollah’s unremitting violations mounts by the day and cannot be overlooked.   
    Over the past few months, Hezbollah established observation posts near the Blue Line, mainly in the western section of the region (see attached in appendices 1-2 exact coordinates of the posts and a picture of a post).
    These posts were erected under the guise of an agricultural NGO known as “Green Without Borders,” the activities of which are defined and at times funded by Hezbollah.
    The well-documented proof of Hezbollah’s dangerous provocation verifies that Hezbollah conducts reconnaissance activity near the Blue Line and disguises it as civilian activity, in clear violation of UNSC resolutions 1701 and 1559. 
    Last April, a United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) patrol was denied access by a group of locals to an observation post flying the “Green Without Borders” flag. 
    Such obstructions to UNIFIL’s operations in the area are unacceptable. These impediments prevent UNIFIL from fully executing its mandate to monitor the implementation of UNSC resolutions and maintain stability in the area. 
    Hezbollah’s continued military buildup and destabilizing activities in southern Lebanon have serious repercussions on both regional stability and the ability of the Lebanese government to effectively control its country.
    The international community cannot continue to turn a blind eye to Hezbollah’s flagrant violations of UNSC resolutions 1701 and 1559. 
    I call on the Security Council to demand that the government of Lebanon dismantle these observation posts immediately, and prevent any future activity of Hezbollah and its affiliates in southern Lebanon, particularly near the Blue Line. It is imperative that the council sends a strong message to the Government of Lebanon and demand that it fully implement UNSC resolutions 1701 and 1559, not only in words, but in clear and concrete actions. 

    I should be grateful if you would have this letter distributed as an official document of the Security Council. I wish to inform you that an identical letter has been sent to H.E. Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations.
    Please accept, Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration. 

    Danny Danon
    Permanent Representative


    Appendix 1: Coordinates  of the observation posts
    The following are coordinates of the Hezbollah observation posts as displayed on the map:
    1- 697553/3665694
    2- 701389/3663687
    3- 705090/3553685
    4- 714771/3665080
    5- 717237/3663079


    Appendix 2: Photo of a Hezbollah observation post


    A close-up of the “Green Without Borders” logo, as seen in the picture above: