Israel welcomes US President Donald Trump 22 May 2017

Israel welcomes US President Donald Trump

    This historic visit to Israel by President Trump and members of his administration, a testament to the two nations' unbreakable bond, offers the opportunity to further strengthen the relationship while promoting stability and prosperity in the region.
    Addressing the Cabinet at its weekly meeting yesterday (Sunday, 21 May 2017), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:

    “US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania will arrive tomorrow on an historic visit to the State of Israel. Senior administration and White House officials will arrive together with them. This is President Trump's first visit outside the US, and the honor is ours that he has chosen to come to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel and, of course to the State of Israel.

     I will discuss with President Trump ways to strengthen even further our primary, firm alliance with the US. We will boost security ties, which are becoming stronger every day, and we will also discuss ways to advance peace.

    Mr. President, we look forward to your visit. The citizens of Israel will receive you with open arms.”

    Israel and the United States enjoy a deep friendship that is centered on the shared values of freedom, democracy, peace and progress. The historic May 2017 visit to Israel by the President of the United States and members of his administration is a testament to the two nations' unbreakable bond. It offers the opportunity to further strengthen the relationship while promoting stability and prosperity in the region.

    The shared vision of the United States and Israel serves as the foundation for their myriad security, economic and academic joint ventures that bring tangible and mutual benefits to both nations.

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