Israel to provide assistance to mudslide victims in Sierra Leone 14 August 2017

Israel to provide assistance to mudslide victims in Sierra Leone

    ​The assistance will be provided by Israel’s embassy in Senegal in accordance with immediate needs on the ground.
    ​(Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

    Following the mudslide today (Monday, 14 August 2017) in Sierra Leone, and in accordance with instructions by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to extend assistance immediately and in every way possible, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, by means of the Africa Division, MASHAV - Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, and the Israeli embassy in Senegal, which is accredited to Sierra Leone, has begun to examine means of providing assistance to victims of the natural disaster in that country.
    The assistance will be provided by Israel’s embassy in Senegal in accordance with immediate needs on the ground (clean water, medicines, blankets, etc.)

    Israel’s ambassador to Senegal, Paul Hirschson, is in touch with senior officials from the Sierra Leone Government to coordinate the transfer of Israeli humanitarian aid to the country, following the devastating mudslides.

    First, Israel will purchase food for the survivors, and later, in coordination with the local authorities, medical assistance will be transferred.