Israel Congratulates the EU for Nobel Peace Prize

Israel Congratulates the EU for Nobel Peace Prize

  •   Israel Congratulates the EU for Nobel Peace Prize
    The exemplary success of the EU in establishing peace in Europe after two world wars is an inspiration to the whole family of nations
    (Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson)
    Israel extends its congratulations to the European Union upon its distinction with the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize. The exemplary success of the EU in establishing peace in Europe after two world wars is an inspiration to the whole family of nations. The European Union crystalizes the way of reason and compromise through which nations can overcome hostility and ancient conflicts, and establish good neighbourly relations, mutual trust and cooperation for the common good.
    Israel has a particular interest in the European peacemaking achievement. During World War II, the Jewish People lost one third of its members on European soil, and European reconciliation, therefore, affects Israel directly. History lays on the EU special responsibility, for achieving peace in its neighbourhood area, and for maintaining vigilance in the face of displays of racism and anti-Semitism within its borders.
    We expect the EU to continue its efforts for promoting peace in the Middle East, through a supportive approach and understanding of the special sensitivities of the area.