Inaugural conference

Center for Israeli Studies inaugural conference

    “Contemporary Issues in Israeli Politics and Society”
    Inaugural conference of the Center for Israeli Studies at the NUPSPA
    During the 20th - 21st of February 2013, the Center for Israeli Studies (CIS) at the National University of Political Science and Public Administration (NUPSPA), together with the Embassy of Israel to Romania will organize the inaugural conference of the Center: “Contemporary Issues in Israeli Politics and Society” at the NUPSPA (Povernei 6 Str). The event is in line with the preoccupation of NUPSPA, as the main school of government in Romania, to broaden and deepen the knowledge of the socio-political realities from different regions of the world.
    The opening session will take place on Wednesday, the 20th of February, at 09:30, with the participation of: Prof. Remus Pricopie, Minister of Education, Prof. Alina Bârgăoanu, ad-interim rector of NUPSPA, Liliana Popescu, Prorector of  NUPSPA, Cristian Pîrvulescu, dean of the Faculty of Political Science (NUPSPA), Prof. Liviu Rotman, Director of the Center for Israeli Studies, representatives of the diplomatic corps of Romania and Israel and other distinguished guests.
    The participants at the conference are members of the academic community in leading universities in Israel and Romania. Their presentations will approach fundamental issues such as contemporary politics in Israel, relationship between politics and religion, security issues in the region, the Arab minority and Israeli-Diaspora relations.
    The conference is part of a series of academic gatherings that will facilitate the dialogue and debate on issues related to Israel and is one of the activities that form the broader strategy of the CIS, along with teaching and other research initiatives. One of the immediate projects of the CIS is launching an international MA program in Israeli studies, in cooperation with universities from Israel.
    The purpose of CIS is to advance the knowledge and to provide a rigorous academic perspective on issues pertaining to the Israeli government, politics and society. The need for such a Center is motivated by the necessity to analyze diverse perspectives of Israel, beyond the Israeli-Arab conflict. To this aim, the embassy of Israel is the main partner of the center in its development and future projects.
     For the conference agenda, please click here.
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