FM Liberman welcomes Australian position on east Jerusalem 5 Jun 2014

FM Liberman welcomes Australian position on east Jerusalem

    FM Liberman welcomed the Australian government's decision that the term "occupied" is inappropriate for east Jerusalem and applauded the Australian government for its honesty and integrity in its treatment of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
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    Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman Copyright: MFA
    (Communicated by the Foreign Minister's Bureau)

    Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman welcomed the Australian government's decision (June 5, 2014) that the term "occupied" is inappropriate for east Jerusalem. Australian Attorney-General George Brandis explained that "the description of East Jerusalem as 'occupied' East Jerusalem is a term freighted with pejorative implications which is neither appropriate nor useful. It should not and will not be the practice of the Australian government to describe areas of negotiation in such judgmental language."

    FM Liberman applauded the Australian government for its honesty and integrity in its treatment of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He praised the Australian stance as a serious consideration of the issue, which rejects populism and does not try to pander to radical Islamic elements who seek to intimidate anyone who dares to tell the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    FM Liberman added that the settlements have been part of Jewish history for thousands of years and were never a part of a Palestinian state that never existed.

    This decision by the Australian government follows the statement made several months ago by Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop that the settlements in Judea and Samaria should not be called "illegal".

    Liberman concluded, “I hope that other states will discover the honesty and courage that Australia has displayed."