FM Liberman meets with Bulgarian President Plevneliev

FM Liberman meets with Bulgarian president

  •   FM Liberman meets with Bulgarian President Plevneliev
    FM Liberman expressed his concern that the Syrian conflict is spreading to neighboring countries, affecting their stability in a manner that is liable to cause a major regional upheaval. What happened over the past few days in Lebanon, the attempted terrorist act in Jordan and other regional events are the results of the internal Syrian conflict.
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    FM Liberman meets with Bulgarian President Plevneliev FM Liberman meets with Bulgarian President Plevneliev Copyright: MFA
    Photo: MFA
    (Communicated by the Foreign Minister’s Media Advisor)
    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman met today (Monday 22 October 2012) in Jerusalem with Bulgarian President Mr. Rosen Plevneliev and with Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nickolay Mladenov. At the meeting FM Liberman, President Plevneliev and FM Mladenov discussed the strengthening of the bilateral relationship and cooperation between the two countries, as well as the framework for regional cooperation that includes additional countries.
    FM Liberman expressed his concern that the Syrian conflict is spreading to neighboring countries, affecting their stability in a manner that is liable to cause a major regional upheaval. FM Liberman told President Plevneliev that what happened over the past few days in Lebanon, the attempted terrorist act yesterday in Jordan and other regional events are the results of the internal Syrian conflict, and if it is not resolved shortly these “secondary shockwaves” are likely to become a huge “regional earthquake.”
