Cabinet communique 19 June 2016

Cabinet communique

    Last night I ordered that three of our firefighting aircraft be sent to help fight the blaze in Cyprus. This is part of the regional arrangement we have made with Cyprus and Greece. I am pleased that we are able to extend this assistance.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: Reuters/Sebastian Scheiner
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 19 June 2016):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "Several years ago, during the massive Carmel fire, I contacted the President of Cyprus, he was the first I turned to, and the Prime Minister of Greece, that they should send firefighting aircraft. They had one such aircraft. They took it out of its hangar and sent it here. Last night I ordered that three of our firefighting aircraft, out of our fleet of 13 or 14, be sent to help them, and the planes are now in Cyprus. This is part of the regional arrangement we have made with Cyprus and Greece about emergency assistance. I am pleased that we are able to extend this assistance.
    Today, the Cabinet will discuss an assistance plan to strengthen communities in Judea and Samaria. This entails the work of many ministries on behalf of the residents there and will – inter alia – strengthen security, assist small businesses and encourage tourism.
    Today the Cabinet will also discuss a comprehensive plan to respond to the absence of law enforcement against planning and construction offenses in the Arab sector. We have an interest in assisting Israel's Arab citizens and we are doing so in very many areas but completing the implementation of the plan will be done together with the completion of the necessary legislation vis-à-vis enforcement regarding planning and construction in this sector."
    2. Pursuant to Article 23 of the 1959 State Service Law, the Cabinet decided to appoint Samuel Grundwerg as Consul General in Los Angeles, for a three-year term, which may be extended by an additional year according to the recommendation of the Foreign Minister.
    3. The Cabinet discussed and adopted a plan to encourage the construction of additional guest rooms.

    4. The Cabinet discussed and approved draft legislation on the fight against the use of dangerous substances.

    5. Pursuant to coalition agreements, the Cabinet decided that state support for religious institutions in 2016 will stand at the amount for 2015 plus an additional NIS 80 million, for a total of NIS 1,119,000,000.
    6. The Cabinet discussed and approved a plan to strengthen enforcement of planning and construction laws.

    7. The Cabinet noted that the Education Ministry will work to achieve various goals in the minorities sector by the end of the 2021-2022 school year.

    8. The Cabinet discussed and approved a special assistance plan for Judea and Samaria in 2016 in the following areas: Assistance to local authorities, assistance to various communities, assistance to small and medium-sized businesses and assistance in the tourism sector.