Cabinet communique 16 February 2014

Cabinet communique

    ​PM Netanyahu: Despite its agreement with the major powers and the resultant easing of sanctions, Iran is continuing its aggressive policy both inside and outside Iran.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: GPO
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 16 February 2014):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "The major powers' talks with Iran will resume this week. Until now, it must be said, it is Iran that has gained without giving anything significant. It has received a major easing of sanctions and the Iranian economy is already responding appropriately. Iran is also continuing its aggressive policy both inside Iran and outside Iran. Inside Iran, it is executing innocent people. Outside Iran, it supports the continued killings by the Syrian regime, which would be unable to act without it, without its support.
    Iran is also continuing to arm terrorist organizations with advanced, deadly weapons and, of course, it is continuing to call for the destruction of the State of Israel. At the same time, Iran is continuing with advanced research and development of centrifuges. Iran is not prepared to concede even one centrifuge.
    Israel's policy is clear and is active on two tracks: First, to expose Iran's unchanging aggressive policy. Second, to demand the dismantling of Iran's enrichment capacity. Iran does not need any centrifuges for nuclear power for civilian purposes.
    We have recently witnessed several severe actions by organized crime. We are determined to uproot this severe phenomenon and we give full backing to the Israel Police to use existing and new means against organized crime. It is not the citizens of Israel who need to worry about going around the streets freely but the members of organized crime families who need to be worried. They must be put in jail quickly."
    2. GOC Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi briefed ministers on the intelligence situation for 2013-2014.
    3. The Cabinet approved changes to the income tax benefits for residents of various communities.
    4. The Cabinet approved amendments to legislation regarding local water and sewage corporations.