Cabinet communique 13 December 2015

Cabinet communique

    The climate agreement that was signed last night in Paris is an important agreement. Like the other countries, we have an interest in ensuring that global warming will be slowed down – and Israel will do its part.
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    PM Netanyahu at Israel Cabinet meeting PM Netanyahu at Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: Reuters
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 13 December 2015):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "Ouda Tarabin was released last week and returned to Israel after 15 years in an Egyptian prison. I worked with three Egyptian presidents – Mubarak, Morsi and el-Sisi – to request his release. I gave my word that he was not a spy for Israel. Approximately one-and-a-half years ago I sent my representative, attorney Yitzhak Molcho, to Egypt in order to ensure that he would indeed be released on the scheduled day. At the same time, Israel will release six Egyptian prisoners: Three who have completed their sentences and three who are not connected to security offenses, of course, without blood on their hands. I am happy that Ouda is back with us again. The State of Israel takes care of all its citizens without exception.
    The climate agreement that was signed last night in Paris is an important agreement. Like the other countries, we have an interest in ensuring that global warming, if it will not be halted, will at least be slowed down – and Israel will do its part. Israel is a leader in wastewater purification technologies, recycling, water desalination and we have, as you already know, a national plan for alternatives to oil, a plan for alternatives to oil in transportation, and it is a global pioneer on this issue. We will reduce greenhouse gas emissions on behalf of future generations. This is a complex international mission. It is built on the premise that large and small countries alike will not deviate from it. This demands international discipline, which is not easy, but for the good of humanity, I hope that it will be found. It will certainly be found in the State of Israel.
    After having dealt with conscript soldiers, today we will take care of the elderly. In our society the elderly are not a negligible component of the poverty picture, and what we will do will help reduce poverty. I remind you that the level of inequality has decreased regularly in recent years, with the exception of last year. I hope that this step will continue the trend of reducing social inequality and caring for weaker sectors. We are investing over NIS 500 million in increasing support payments for the elderly. There are approximately 230,000 such people. Couples will receive up to NIS 6,000 per annum. This will begin next month. The move was arranged by the Finance Minister and I as part of the coalition agreement between Kulanu and  the Likud and this will remove more elderly from the cycle of poverty.
    Today we also will approve a first step toward encouraging the integration of adults over the age of 60 into the workforce, in the civil service and in the economy as a whole. This improves the worker's quality of life and his pension savings. We will continue to remove barriers to the employment of older workers. Population aging is a long-term global trend that, of course, is a great blessing, but it also poses challenges; for the labor market, the health system and in additional areas.
    I would like to congratulate Minister Gila Gamliel on her important work in this area, in dealing with the problem that stands before us. I would like to say in this regard, as I have said regarding previous issues: This is a government that does. While there are those who talk - we do. I tell ministers: 'Talk about what we do.'"
    Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and Social Equality Minister Gila Gamliel also spoke.
    2. The Cabinet approved the 6 December decision of the Ministerial Committee on Legislation regarding draft amendments to the income tax ordinance (company tax rate).
    3. Pursuant to the 1986 Security Service Law, the Cabinet decided to approve the 2015 Security Service Order (service recognized for security purposes) and requested the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee to approve it forthwith.
    4. Pursuant to Article 23 of the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments), the Cabinet decided to confirm the appointment – for eight years – of Nir Ben Moshe as Defense Ministry Deputy Director General, responsible for security in the defense establishment.
    5. The Cabinet discussed the 20th Maccabiah Games, due to be held in 2017, and decided – inter alia – to budget NIS 26 million for the games.
    6. The approved a series of measures designed to further the integration of citizens over 60 in employment and community life in order – inter alia – to improve the growth potential of the economy as a whole.
    7. Pursuant to item #6 above, it was agreed that the Social Equality Ministry and the Finance Ministry would formulate a proposal according to which government ministries would compile lists of retired employees who could be recalled in times of emergency or crisis.
    8. The Cabinet discussed the issue of ministerial responsibility for the implementation of Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality by-laws on the opening and closing of businesses on Shabbat and decided to make a decision within four weeks.
    9. The Cabinet discussed various issues regarding the prevention of cruelty to animals and animal welfare.