Ambassador Samash presents the copies of her accreditation letters to Secretary of State George Ciamba

Ambassador Samash meets Secretary of State Ciamba

    ​​Ambassador Tamar Samash presents the copies of her letters of credence to Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary of State George Ciamba
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    ​From the communiqué of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, dated September 7th, 2015:

    State Secretary George Ciamba received today, September 7, 2015, H.E. Mrs. Tamar Samash, Ambassador Agréé of Israel in Bucharest, on the occasion of presenting copies of her letters of credence.

    The Romanian official expressed satisfaction for the excellent bilateral relations between Romania and Israel, due to both the frequency of working contacts between the two countries and to their superior quality level.

    The two officials stressed the importance of continued enhancement of political and diplomatic dialogue and of sectorial cooperation in areas of common interest such as: medicine, IT&C, water resource management. Particular attention was paid to trade and mutual investment, as well as direct dialogue at civil society and academic levels in both countries.

    The Romanian State Secretary and the Ambassador Agréé of Israel in Bucharest discussed also current topics of regional and European agenda, focusing on the challenges that the EU faces in the developments’ context in its neighborhood.

    Both officials noted the good cooperation between the two countries in multilateral fora. In this context, State Secretary George Ciamba thanked for Israel’s support for Romania to take over in 2016 the presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. Moreover, he wished the Ambassador success in fulfilling her mandate in Bucharest.”