Ambassador's statement on the recent violence in Jerusalem

Ambassador's statement on violence in Jerusalem

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    Ambassador Dan Ben-Eliezer Ambassador Dan Ben-Eliezer
    Terrorist attacks in Jerusalem:
    Statement by H.E. Dan Ben-Eliezer, Ambassador of Israel  to Romania
    The Palestinians have carried out three terrorist attacks in Jerusalem in less than two weeks and have instigated numerous riots on the Temple Mount and its environs since the summer months. Incitement and the glorification of terrorists have played an important role in triggering the violence and in encouraging further attacks.
    One Israeli man was killed and 14 injured in Jerusalem yesterday (Wednesday, 5 November), when a Palestinian deliberately ran his car into two separate crowds of Israelis near a light-rail train station and then attacked passers-by with a metal pole.
    A nearly identical attack took place exactly two weeks ago (Wednesday, 22 October), when a Palestinian steered his car into a light-rail station killing an Israeli-American baby and a woman originally from Ecuador, and injuring eight other people.
    On Wednesday, 29 October, a Palestinian terrorist attacked Yehuda Glick, an American-born Israeli, as he was departing from a conference in central Jerusalem. The terrorist shot Rabbi Glick multiple times and he remains in critical condition.
    Moreover, on November 5th dozens of masked Arabs rioted on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. As the Mughrabi Gate for non-Muslim visitors to the Temple Mount opened as usual, the rioters came out of their prepared positions inside the al-Aqsa mosque and launched stones and fireworks at police stationed at the gate (this mosque is one of several structures located within the Temple Mount plaza, called Haram al-Sharif/ the Noble Sanctuary by Muslims). The police responded with non-lethal measures to prevent injuries.
    After the rioters escalated the attacks from inside the mosque, the police had to take a rare step. A small number of officers walked a few steps into the mosque's entrance, for a short time, to remove the barricades that were preventing the mosque's doors from being shut. By closing these doors, the police separated the rioters from their targets, thereby restoring calm to the Temple Mount and enabling peaceful visits to the plaza.
    It is important to note that contrary to a number of media reports, the Temple Mount is not synonymous with the al-Aqsa mosque.
    Israel places the highest value on freedom of religion and worship. In contrast to Palestinian claims, Israel has made no move to change the decades-old status-quo on the Temple Mount, to which the Government of Israel is committed.
    Israel is acting with maximum restraint to Palestinian violence on the Temple Mount. Its goals are to allow Muslims to pray peacefully and for Jews and others to visit safely. The police, despite being targeted, use only non-lethal measures against rioters, such as sponge-bullets and concussion grenades.
    However, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas and his "unity government" partner Hamas are operating to undermine the status-quo on the Temple Mount. Among the actions they have instigated to enflame tensions are rioting.
    Islamic extremists are endangering the safety of the al-Aqsa mosque by transforming it into a base for attacks and using flammable weapons. They store fireworks, Molotov cocktails and other dangerous objects inside the mosque and launch violent attacks from within the structure they claim as their third holiest site.
    Incitement to terrorism and violence in Jerusalem accompanied the rioting on the Temple Mount and all three recent terrorist attacks. This incitement has been perpetrated by PA President Mahmoud Abbas himself, as well as by Hamas.
    In recent statements, Abbas said that all means must be used to prevent Jews from going up to the Temple Mount. He called Jewish visitors to their holiest site a "herd." In the past, Abbas has disseminated lies, claiming that Israel is attacking the al-Aqsa mosque and that Jews are "desecrating" it.
    Today's terrorist attack is a direct result of the incitement by Abbas and his Hamas partners. The acts of incitement include a condolence letter sent by Abbas (1 November) to the family of the terrorist who shot Yehuda Glick. In the letter that glorifies the shooter, the PA President wrote that he "ascended to heaven as a martyr in the course of defending the rights of our nation, its honor and holy sites."
    Abbas' Fatah movement also published materials exalting the terrorist who carried out the attack on 22 October. For example, both Sultan Abu-Aynayn (an Abbas advisor and Fatah Central Committee member) and Fatah's official Facebook page praised him as "a heroic martyr."
    The international community should strongly condemn Abbas' incitement and call on the PA President to cease this encouragement of violence and terrorism. The inflammatory language and actions must cease, so that calm can return to Jerusalem and its Temple Mount in particular.
    Dan Ben-Eliezer