27th Jerusalem International Book Fair - February 2015

27th Jerusalem International Book Fair

    The Jerusalem International Book Fair is a combination of an international trade-fair and a public celebration of literature, with dozens of book stalls, offering the latest titles and bestsellers from Israel and beyond.
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    Albanian writer Ismail Kadare, recipient of the Jerusalem International Book Fair Literary Award Albanian writer Ismail Kadare, recipient of the Jerusalem International Book Fair Literary Award Copyright: Courtesy Israel Ministry of Tourism
    The 27th Jerusalem International Book Fair will take place from February 8-12, 2015, at the First Station Complex. The fair will bring together hundreds of authors, publishers, book distributers and literary experts for an international celebration of literature in Jerusalem. Events will also be held in the surrounding cultural institutions, including: The Jerusalem Cinematheque, Mishkenot Sha'ananim and The Khan Theatre. These include many panels and discussions with Israeli and visiting authors and publishers in English, French, Italian, German as well as Hebrew.

    The entire book fair and all of the surrounding events are available free-of-charge to the general public.

    Since its inception in 1963, the Jerusalem International Book Fair has become a bi-annual affair that has welcomed over 400 publishers from over 20 countries worldwide, presenting tens of thousands of books in tens of languages. The event attracts publishing houses, publishers, book dealers and hundreds of authors from around the world that come to connect with the world of Israeli literature.

    The Jerusalem International Book Fair is a combination between an international trade-fair and a public celebration of literature, with dozens of book stalls, offering the latest titles and bestsellers from Israel and beyond. The fair is one of the highlights of Israel's cultural calendar and the largest event in Israeli literature, with hundreds of diverse cultural events held, including sessions with famous authors, writing workshops and performances for the entire family, all of which will be free-of-charge to the general public.

    International authors attending this year's fair include: Ann Hood (USA), Anna Enquist (Netherlands), Ariana Harwicz (Argentina), Eva Mannasse (Austria), Erri De Luca (Italy), Janusz Glowacki (Poland), Jennifer Teege (German), Mark Russ Federman (USA), Paolo Giordano (Italy), Elena Loewenthal (Italy), Salah Al-Hamdani (France/Iraq), Katherine Pancol  (France) and Irena Karpa (Ukraine).

    International publishers include: Markus Dohle, CEO of Penguin Random House, Geneviève Brisac, author and publisher with Ecole des Loisirs (France), Stefan Von Holtzbrinck of Von Holtzbrinck Publishers (Germany), Véra Michalski from BIEF (Switzerland), Jean Mattern of Gallimard (France) Sophy Thompson, Publishing Director at Thames and Hudson and Egyptian publisher Abdu Rahman Abu-Zarku of TANWEER Publishing.

    Main events at the Jerusalem International Book Fair 2015:

    Jerusalem International Book Fair Literary Award

    This year's Jerusalem International Book Fair Literary Award will be given to Albanian human rights writer, Ismail Kadare. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat will present the award to Kadare at a festive opening ceremony at the YMCA. The $10,000 prize is awarded to writers whose work emphasizes freedom of the individual in society. Among previous winners of the prize: Bertrand Russell, Arthur Miller, Haruki Murakami and Ian McEwan.

    The Hidden Wall Display

    In honor of the jubilee year of Israeli-German relations, the Hidden Wall display will be erected at the fair. The two meter-high-wall will be constructed with over 5000 wooden bricks, with quotes written on them from leading German philosophers, musicians, politicians and academics. Visitors to the event will be encouraged to take their favorite quotes with them as a memento. The idea behind the Hidden Wall is to create bi-cultural communal dialogue between Israelis and Germans. The Wall was created by German architect, Professor Werner Sobek.