On November 29, 2011, for the first time in Israel's history, the day on
which the UN General Assembly passed the resolution in favor of the
establishment of the Jewish state was reenacted. Initiated by the World Zionist
Organization, the reenaction took place in the plaza of the
National Institutions Building - which was then the Knesset. Thousands took part
in the mass celebrations, dancing and rejoicing to the sound of the recording of
the UN resolution exactly as it happened 64 years ago.
Celebrations in Tel Aviv, Nov 29, 1947 (GPO archive photo)
Historical figures, including former prime ministers David Ben
Gurion and Golda Meir, who were part of the original celebrations, were played
by actors who greeted those gathered from the historic balcony, with actors
portraying the then chief rabbis of Israel at their sides.
Israelis wave flags during reenactment of the celebrations of Nov 29, 1947
after the passing of the United Nations resolution leading to the establishment of Israel
(Photo: Reuters)
Two Citroen limousines, which carried the celebrities, as well as
a British army jeep from this period were found and were installed at the
plaza. A news boy distributed newspapers, printed especially for this occasion,
in the spirit of those times. In addition, street musicians and dance troupes
led hora dancing circles and folk dancing.