Thai Migrant Worker Killed in Israel by Hamas

Thai Migrant Worker Killed in Israel by Hamas

    Mr. Narakorn Kittiyoungkul, a Thai working in Israel, was killed on July 23 when he was struck by mortar fired by the terrorist organization Hamas while he was on his break sitting alongside an Israeli farmer.
    Ms. Orit Shani, the Consul of the Embassy of Israel in Thailand, participated in his funeral that took place Nan province along with the Director of Overseas Employment Administration Office, Ministry of Labor, Mr. Sombat Nivesrat and Nan Governor, Mr. Ukrit Phungsopa.
    On Behalf of the State of Israel Ms. Shani expressed her deepest condolences to the family for their loss and conveyed an offer to help the family.
    "Obviously we're all heartbroken by what has happened, and this is an opportunity for me to extend on behalf of all the Israeli people, our deepest condolences over the loss of a cherished family member and a friend to express our solidarity with the people of Thailand with whom we've been friends and had the deepest ties for 60 years.  Hamas has fired indiscriminately at the civilian population in Israel over 2500 rockets in the last 2.5 weeks, one unfortunately hit Khun Narakorn Kittiyoungkul.  He is one of the victims of the terrorist organization Hamas, which is committing a double war crime by firing rockets at innocent people trying to go about their daily lives, like Khun Narakorn Kittiyoungkul, while hiding behind Palestinian civilians.”