Quest for Peace

The Quest For Peace


    From before Israel's independence and through this day, Israelis have yearned for peace. For decades, much of the Arab world has not reciprocated Israel's desire for peace, and has refused to acknowledge the Jewish people's rights or history in their homeland, the Land of Israel. Yet there is hope; after years of Egyptian and Jordanian hostility toward Israel, peace indeed prevailed between Israel and Egypt in 1979, and Israel and Jordan in 1994. Indeed, these tremendous milestones bring the hope for achieving peace between Israelis, Palestinians, and the rest of the Arab and Muslim world.

    Learn more by downloading our free booklet.

    Content includes:
         - History
         - Early Peace Efforts
         - Independence
         - Overcoming Existential Threats
         - From War to Peace
         - An Era of Hope
         - Obstacles to Peace
         - Terrorism
         - Yearning For Peace

    *Click the cover to download free PDF​​​