


    The Holocaust was unprecedented genocide, total and systematic, perpetrated by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, with the aim of annihilating the Jewish people. The primary motivation was the Nazis' anti-Semitic racist ideology. Between 1933 and 1941 Nazi Germany pursued a policy that dispossessed the Jews of their rights and their property, followed by the branding and the concentration of the Jewish population. This policy gained broad support in Germany and much of occupied Europe. In 1941, following the invasion of the Soviet Union, the Nazis and their collaborators launched the systematic mass murder of the Jews. By 1945 nearly six million Jews had been murdered.



    The Embassy of Israel invites to dig deeper into this brutal yet very important history by visiting Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remebrance Center​ where not only will you learn about the Holocast but there are also plenty of materials you can use ranging from exhibitions to online materials.