

    In the spirit of Israel’s 65th birthday celebrated April 15th, we’ve launched a special project by creating a list of fun facts about Israel! Check out this 65@65 list to explore amazing headlines and the unheard side of Israel. Enjoy!
  • Thailand and Israel: The Bond between Two Nations

     Fact #1

    Next year in 2014, Thailand and Israel will celebrate 60 years of diplomatic relations! The State of Israel via the Embassy of Israel in Thailand is committed to continue to strengthen the bond of friendship between our two people and to promote diplomatic relations and economic growth between the two nations.
    Fact #2

    Last year, Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn was warmly welcomed in Israel for her 7th visit. The visit enhanced cooperation between Chulabhorn Cancer Research Institute and leading research and medical institutions in Israel. The cooperation in the field of science started by HRH will continue for the years to come and benefit research and advancement in both countries.
    Fact #3

    Last year, Thailand and Israel signed a trade agreement that will open new opportunities for further collaborations and enhancement of bilateral economic ties. We expect that this new agreement will bring a significant increase to the 1.4 billion $ bilateral trade volume.
    Fact #4
    Thailand and Israel have long been sharing the history and love of olives!
    The city's name "Bangkok" came from "Bang", which means village in Thai, and "Makok", which means olives. The name "Bang Makok" was then shortened to "Bangkok", hence means the village of olive trees. In the meantime, olive and its oil are very important components of the Israeli landscape, culture, diet and religion and the most common street name in Israel is “Hazait”, which also means olive street!
    (Photo credit: sott.net)
    Fact #5
    Israel is 23 times smaller than Thailand, or just equal to the size of Nakhon Ratchasima!
    (Photo credit: www.nstda.or.th)
    Fact #6
    M.R. Kukrit Pramoj, the thirteenth Prime Minister of Thailand, has written one of the most fascinating Thai books about Israel and the Jews.
    (Photo credit: book-dd.lnwshop.com
    Fact #7

    Last year, Thailand and Israel succeeded in implementing a mutual agreement on the recruitment and employment of Thai labour in Israel. The new system is designed to safeguard the rights and social benefits of the Thai workers. At present, there are almost 24,000 Thai workers in Israel. The Thai workers are playing a significant role in agriculture and have become the backbone of the Israeli farming industry. This collaboration between our countries is the first of its kind, facilitated by the IOM.
    Fact #8

    MASHAV – Israel Center for International Cooperation has already supported the participation of more than 2,000 Thai professionals in training courses in Israel, and over 10,000 in trainings held in Thailand by Israeli experts. The center shared knowledge with Thais in wide areas, such as agriculture, public health, education, water management, rural & urban development and regional planning.
    Check out the list of upcoming MASHAV courses at http://isra.li/8D .
    Fact #9
    The glue on Israeli stamps is kosher! For the 60th anniversary of the bilateral relations, Thailand and Israel are planning to produce a joint commemoration stamp!
    (Photo credit: israelcountry.wordpress.com/)
    Fact #10

    During Thailand's flood in October 2011, teams of young Israeli backpackers, led by Bangkok’s Chabad House and the Embassy of Israel volunteered to support the victims of the flooding by distributing food and relief supplies to small villages outside Bangkok. This is common as, according to the record, almost one third of all Israelis are volunteers!
    Fact #11
    While we are all enjoying the water festival in Thailand, the Thai community in Israel is also joyfully celebrating their Songkran days amidst the country's springtime!
    (Photo credit: Took Ruang Muang Jew)
    Fact #12
    Just like in Los Angeles and in London, there is also Thai Week held by Thai community in Israel! Last year in August, the event was celebrated at the famous Tel Aviv Port.
    (Photo credit: Took Reung Muang Jew)
    Fact #13
    The luscious pomegranate is a national symbol of Israel steeped in history. It’s one of the seven biblical species and some scientists believe that it was the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Scientists also recommend pomegranate juice for its many anti-aging and health benefits. On the occasion of His Majesty King Bhumibol's 80th birthday, Israel planted 120 pomegranate trees in his honor in Hup Kapong Royal Project Learning Center; the handover ceremony was presided over by H.R.H Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn.
    Did you notice that the pomegranate is being used as our brand new logo!?
     (Photo credit: Hub Kapong Royal Project Learning Center )
    Fact #14
    There are about 24,000 Thai workers in Israel. In certain area, the number of Thai workers equals the number of Israelis.
    Fact #15
    World renowned Israel Philharmonic Orchestra with Mastro Zubin Mehta performed in Thailand three times, the latest took place early this year in front of the Grand Palace. It garnered headlines around the world!
  • The Spirit of Israel

    Fact #16

    The Israeli flag holds the world record for largest in the world!
    Filipino entrepreneur Grace Galindez-Gupana said she produced the flag to show her love for Israel. This huge blue and white Israeli flag, 660 meters long and 100 meters wide, weighing 5.2 metric tons, broke the 2007 record for the world's largest.
    Fact #17
    At its 65th, Israel is a country of 8 million, exactly 10 times of its population on the day it gained independence in 1948.
    The number of Jews among Israel's population has reached the symbolic figure of 6 million – the same figure of Jews who perished in the Holocaust. The Jewish population composes 75.3% of the general population; Israeli Arabs compose 20.7% of the population and number 1.66 million.
    (Picture credit: Israel MFA)
     Fact #18
    The narrowest point In Israel is only 15 kilometers wide. It takes just ten-minute drive away to reach the opposite side of the country!
    (Picture credit: Israel MFA)
    Fact #19
    Like Thailand, Israel had a female Prime Minister. When Golda Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel in 1969, she became the world’s second elected female leader in modern times!

    (Photo credit: motleynews.net)
    Fact #20
    Doctors from Israel are restoring the gift of sight to hundreds of people in many developing countries, thanks to Israeli non-profit Eye from Zion.
    The organization sends eye doctors from Israel to do free cataract removal operations in places such as Vietnam, China, Myanmar, the Maldives and even Muslim countries including Azerbaijan. The doctors are all volunteers, and most of the people arriving at their mobile clinics are blind in either one or both eyes. The organization also brings doctors from developing countries to Israel for training.
    (Credit image: Eye from Zion)
    Fact #21
    Israel was the first country in Asia where homosexuals were protected by anti-discrimination laws, and remains the only country in the Middle East to provide such legal protection.
    (Credit image : Tel-Aviv Global City)
  • Educational

    Fact #22

    was ranked in sixth place in the world for entrepreneurship and innovation, in the first comprehensive survey, aimed to identify the most innovative universities around the world, conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
    Fact #23

    Israeli educational entrepreneur Shai Reshef founded University of the People, the world’s first tuition-free, online academic institution offering a recognized bachelor’s degree. More than 3,000 professors from major universities volunteer as lecturers and tutors for students from many countries, including China, Pakistan, Haiti, Rwanda, Mali, Peru, Nepal, Saudi Arabia and South Sudan. “I believe that if you educate one person, you can change a life; if you educate many, you can change the world,” Reshef says
    Fact #24

    Israel is the only country that offers a bachelor’s
    degree in clown therapy as a paramedical profession, at the University of Haifa’s Graduate School of Creative Arts Therapies.
    Because less stress = less pain medication!
  • Agricultural & Environmental

    Fact #25
    With loving care from Thai workers, a green pepper grown in Moshav Ein Yahav claimed the record for the world's largest. Dubbed "Godzilla" by the farm's children, the pepper is over twice the size of average peppers and weighs half a kilogram!
    (Picture credit: jspace.com)
    Fact #26

    Drip irrigation, an Israeli smart water solution, seen in action on farms across the world including in Thailand, can cut agricultural water demand by seventy percent. It is arguably the world's most valued innovation in agriculture since the invention of the impact sprinkler in the 1930s.
    (Photo credit: National Geographic)
    Fact #27
    Israel was named the world's most efficient recycled water user in a United Nations report issued in honor of 2009 International Water Day. Israel purifies and reuses almost 70 percent of its waste water each year for agriculture. Much of the leftover sewage water is reused for other purposes.
    Fact #28
    Israel is one of only two countries in the world that entered the 21st century with a net gain of trees, made more remarkable by the fact that it is 60% desert!
    Fact #29
    The report shows that Israel recycles over 50 percent of its plastic bottles – a similar figure to Europe (51%) and far more than the United States (29.3%). Israel also recycles 77% of small glass bottles and cans. According to the new report, the recycling of bottles has saved Israel over 500,000 tons of waste that otherwise would have end up in landfills!
    Fact #30
    Israel’s green business sectors have been developing strong connections throughout Asia! China and Israel are currently collaborating on solar energy projects. India and Israel are working together in agricultural innovation and restoration efforts, especially with regards to India’s waterways. Thailand, through Kasetsart University, and Israel are united towards green, sustainable, and eco-safe agricultural and farming.
    (Picture credit: Kasetsart University)
  • Tourism

    Fact #31

    Per square kilometre, Israel has one of the highest levels of bird traffic in the world. Each year, one billion birds, over 540 species, soar above this tiny stretch of ancient land. It is said that you can see around 10,000 eagles just in one morning! The number of birds crossing is so high that Israeli Air Force had to install state-of-the-art radar technology capable of picking up bird flocks, in order to save lives of both pilot and bird!
    (Picture credit: The Daily Telegraph)
    Fact #32
    Placing notes in the Western Wall refers to the practice of placing slips of paper containing written prayers into the crevices of the ancient Wall. Over a million notes are placed each year in what has become a custom, not only for tourists, but also for high-profile dignitaries visiting Israel from abroad. The notes are collected twice a year and buried on the nearby Mount of Olives.
    (Photo cresit: opinion.latimes.com)
    Fact #33
    It is well known that the Dead Sea is the lowest place on earth, but did you know that the Dead Sea is also 8.6 times saltier than the ocean?!
    (Picture credit: travelbeautifulplace.com)
    Fact #34

    The World Centre of the Bahai faith is located in the Israel's city of Haifa, the largest city in northern Israel!
    Want to visit the place?
    Find out more about Haifa at: http://www.tour-haifa.co.il/eng/
    (Photo credit: issalifeabroad.blogspot.com
    Fact #35
    Tel Aviv'sWhite City is a breathtaking UNESCO world heritage site. It has been reclaimed so because of its unique collection of 4,000 Bauhaus-architecture buildings.
    (Photo credit: Mail Online)
  • Culture, Fun & Entertainment

    Fact #36
    Tel Aviv City That Never Stops.jpg
    Forbes magazine has listed Tel Aviv as one of the world's top party cities, right up there with Bangkok, New York, Berlin and London. The magazine called it a steamy nocturnal playground, not for the faint of heart!
    Fact #37
    Israeli, Ilya Grad was crowned World's Best Thai Boxer! In 2012, Grad won the WCK (World Championship Muay Thai & Kickboxing) international title. He was voted as one of the top 50 hottest Jewish men! Would you vote for him?

    (Photo credit: Total Muay Thai)
    Fact #38
    Israel has more museums per capita than any other country. CNN featured the top 10 Israeli Museums, click here to check it out!
    Fact #39

    The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers TV series was produced by Israeli Haim Saban.
     (Photo credit: fanpop.com)
    Fact #40

    Myra who won the premier season of Thailand’s Got Talent just headlined with Nicole Scherzinger and Fernando Varela in Israel’s 65th Independence Day celebration, event recently held by the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles. Myra was introduced by the legendary producer David Foster!
    Fact #41

    Last year, Israel became the first country to place a ban on the use of underweight models on catwalks. In the picture – Israel's hottest model, Bar Refaeli and her healthy bod!
    (Picture credit: cinwonderland.wordpress.com)
    Fact #42
    According to the latest figures available, the most popular name for Israeli babies both boys and girls is Noam!
    Fact #43

    Israel sports a female Muay Thai champ! Nili Block was recently awarded a gold medal in the 54kg division of the 10th Amateur-Pro Muay Thai Championships in Bangkok. Way to go Nili! Ambassador Roded was present to cheer her on.
    Fact #44
    Israel publishes more books per capita than any other nation in the world. Averagely, new books in Israel are being published every 80 minutes!
    (Credit image: Reading Israel™ Book Club).
    Fact #45

    Young Israelis, who had just finished serving in the Israeli army, routinely leave Israel for the Far East to clear their mind and for a little self-searching. Guess what! Thailand is among the best choices in South-east Asia and is chosen by Israeli tourists as their premier get-away destination!
    Fact #46
    Israel has two official languages, Hebrew and Arabic…but with English, Russian, German, Spanish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Polish, and Romanian spoken widely, Israel is then the only country in the world where you should not gossip about other people on the bus!
    (Picture credit: Wikipedia)
    Fact #47
    Eran Katz, Guinness record holder in memory stunts and renowned international speaker became the first Israeli to have a bestselling book in Thailand.
    "JEROME BECOMES A GENIUS - The Jewish Way to Brain Power", which hit over 300,000 copies selling worldwide; wittily unlock the secrets to Jewish intelligence that have been passed down from generation to generation.
    Want to improve your memory? Eran Katz will be visiting Thailand in the next couple of months. Follow us on our Facebook to learn the details and you could have a chance to win some free tickets for his upcoming seminar!
    Fact #48
    Hebrew, Israel’s national language, had not been spoken as a native tongue by anyone for centuries! Today it is the native tongue of millions of people, and the only case of a dead national language being revived in all of world history!
    High-Tech Innovations and Smart Products
    Fact #49
    The PeaceTube Project, a nonprofit project founded by two Israeli and American friends connects people from opposite sides of conflicts, with the aim of creating a basis for tolerance and dialogue. The PeaceTube platform will allow users to have anonymous interactions through video-chat. The system is based on the Facebook and prioritizes users according to conflict, for example, Israelis will be paired with Lebanese or Syrians, Russians with Georgians, Indians with a Pakistanis and so on. Would you want to try PeaceTube chatting? if you do, who would you wish to connect with?
    Fact #50
    Desalination PLant15.jpg
    Israel invented seawater reverse osmosis desalination and has the world’s largest desalination plant which produces 130 million cubic meters/year.
    Fact #51
    An Israeli company has developed the world’s first jellyfish repellent! By noticing that clownfish – of Finding Nemo fame – do not get stung by jelly fish, Israeli scientist then isolated the chemical that seemed to protect the little orange and white fish and incorporated the substance into a sunscreen solution!
    Pretty amazing isn't it!?
    (Picture credit: pixartimes.com)
    Fact #52
    The world's first flying car is currently being built by
    a Technion university graduate and an Israeli inventor, Rafi Yoeli! For now, the car called the "X-Hawk" is designed for use in the search-and-rescue operations where a helicopter would be useless or dangerous in evacuating people from burning buildings, or extracting people from confined spaces.

    Find out more about the flying car at: http://www.urbanaero.com/category/x-hawk
    (Picture credit: www.israelmuse.com)
    Fact #53

    Since 2010, with WiFi service installed on all buses, passengers in Israel have been able to surf the net for free, allowing anyone with a laptop computer or a smart phone to check up news, watch movies, study, or work!
    (Picture credit: erinamsili.blogspot.sg)
    Fact #54
    Babylon, the computer dictionary and translation program developed by an Israeli company, has set a Guinness World Record for the most downloaded desktop translation software in 2011. Babylon, which operated firstly as an online English–Hebrew dictionary, eventually became integrated into most user-level Microsoft programs, allowing for seamless cross-language translation of millions of words at the click of a mouse.

    Fact #55
    Israeli scientist Daniel Shechtman discovers Quasicrystals, a “new” form of matter that had been considered not only nonexistent but impossible. Shechtman became the object of disdain and ridicule, but his discovery was eventually vindicated and earned him the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Applications of Quasicrystals range from the mundane (nonstick cookware) to the arcane (superconductive and superinsulative industrial materials)!
    (Picture credit: www.nobelprize.org)
    Fact #56

    Israel was the first country to sign up to the Kimberly process the international standard that certifies diamonds as being "conflict free"
    Fact #57
    Startup TaKaDu, award-winning water solutions company from Israel is one of the many companies in the country with limited water resources, that is working on solutions to leaking pipes. The company provides a water network monitoring system service that detects leaks, bursts, inefficiencies and problems with their equipment or operational issues – all in real-time. England’s Thames river is one among the places around the world where Takadu’s system is installed!
    (Picture credit : M2Mnow.biz)
    Fact #58
    The world's first cable TV for dogs was launched by an Israeli company, receiving highly successful response rate since its premier! DogTV, also available online, is a 24-hour digital channel scientifically programmed to keep pooches stimulated, happy and comforted when they’re home alone. Singed up international distributors are now expanding from North/South America to Asia! Why don't you click on the video and see how your dog reacts for the first time!
    Fact #59
    Hazera Genetics is a project of two Israeli professors at the Faculty of Agriculture of Hebrew University. The project, which later became a company, is now a world leader in the producing innovative hybrid seeds of vegetables and field crop seeds for farmers around the world. One of the great product was the cherry tomato — a tasty salad fixing that ripens slowly and doesn’t rot in shipment!
    Fact #60
    Many of the world's largest companies have established R&D centers in Israel, amongst them are; Intel, IBM, Motorola, Google, BMC Software, Microsoft, Marvell, Samsung, HP and Nestlé.
    Fact #61
    The first PC antivirus software was developed in Israel in 1979, and Israel continues as the world leader in developing antivirus software programs.
    (Credit image: http://antivirusfreedownload.biz/)
    Fact #62

    Israel is devising protection from disasters, such as an alarm that senses a coming earthquake 30 seconds before it hits, and systems to help people safely exit tall buildings in emergencies, such as collapsible external elevators.
    Fact #63

    The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ was developed in 1996 by four young Israelis.
    Fact #64

    The Israeli company Pythagoras Solar has developed a new solar glass window, an award-winning innovation, that can generate power, reduce energy consumption and let in daylight, promising a green revolution in the construction industry. It can easily be integrated into conventional building design. Existing office blocks can be retrofitted with the new material to take the place of energy-seeping windows.
    Fact #65
    Israel has more in-vitro fertilization per capita than anywhere in the world, and it’s free!
    (Picture credit: sizedoesntmatter.com)