Connection between Gandhi and Ben Gurion

Connection between Gandhi and Ben Gurion

    ​The only photo which was in his bedroom was of Mahatma Gandhi of which he mentioned “the moral strength of East is perhaps embodied most of all in the great Indian Leader Mahatma Gandhi, the outstanding man who is heading the war for independence and the weapon of this commander is “non-violence”."

    Gandhi Photo in Desert Home (3).pdfGandhi Photo in Desert Home (3).pdf

    Israel relives India's father of the nation "Mahatma Gandhi"
    Ben Gurion, Israel‬'s First PM, was inspired by the life of‪#‎MahatmaGandhi‬. Read an eye witness account by an Indian journalist Ananda Teertha Pyati from Prajavani Newspaper who visited Israel in 2013:
    Amidst the desert that was spouting intolerable heat, we could see pleasing greenery at Ben-Gurion University. Our eyes accidentally fell on a board that read, 'Tomb of Ben-Gurion' as we were entering the Center for Agricultural Research. Overtaken by curiosity, I pleaded with Ron Natanzon, the person who was guiding us inside the university that he should take us to the memorial. On hearing this, a visually delighted Ron assured us, "Why just the memorial? I will take you to Ben's house itself." In ten minutes, we were standing at the entrance to 'Ben-Gurion's Desert Home'.
    It would not suffice if we call David Ben-Gurion just the first prime minister of Israel. He was the statesman who prepared the blueprint for development achieved today by Israel in more than a dozen areas. In 1948, he officially declared the creation of the state of Israel and became the first Prime Minister of Israel.
    Ben's belongings have been exhibited outside Ben's residence. They include some rare files, important letters, his long gown, pistol he used, and the like. If we pass these exhibits and enter the house, we can see a house situated under the shelter of a huge tree. This is the house where Ben lived for decades along with his wife Paula.
    Even though the stipulated time for visitors had passed, we got permission to enter the house since we were Indians! At the entrance is a small verandah for the purpose of meeting guests. This is followed by a library containing atleast 5,000 books arranged neatly. Ben's bedroom was a small room. We could see a bed, on it a cot and pillows, his slippers below the bed, and beside the bed, a small table containing books. "Ben used to claim that his pride for the nation, fighting spirit, persistence, and such were inspired by only one man.
    Therefore, he had arranged to see that man's photo the first thing on waking up every morning by fixing the photo on the wall opposite his bed. Apart from that photo, this room does not contain any other photo," said Ron. "Do you know who that photo belonged to?" asked Ron, and without waiting for an answer, he said, "...see it is just behind me." He moved aside. We turned our heads with curiosity to know who that person was and stood stupefied uttering, "Wow!"
    The photo on the wall was of Mahatma Gandhi!
    Nobody uttered any words for the next few minutes. Ben-Gurion had written under Bapu's photo: "The moral strength of all the Eastern nations seems to be probably entrenched in India's great leader Mahatma Gandhi. This unrivalled leader is leading that nation's freedom fight using his weapon called Ahimsa."
    This is the manner in which Bapu has managed to cross boundaries of nation and time.
    Today Israel joins India in remembering Bapu on his Jayanti.