
    1.Bar-Ilan University

    Bar -Ilan University
    Bar-Ilan University offers BA, MA and PhD degrees on an award-winning campus just outside Tel Aviv and in the six regional colleges across Israel.
    The academic standard at Bar-Ilan University is among the highest in the country. Bar-Ilan University prides itself on its outstanding professors and researchers, all personally committed to provide their students with excellent education, cultivating independent thinking and personal growth.
      Ben Gurion University of the Negev
      Ben-Gurion University (BGU)  has an international reputation for multidisciplinary research, a modern campus, and a dynamic student body. The University is located in the Be’er-Sheva, Israel’s cyber hub.
      The University attracts excellent students and researchers from Israel and abroad.Original thinkers with a developed social conscience, who integrate into their countries's leadership in a variety of ways. All degree programs are research based and offer a firm foundation for earning a doctorate or working in the field.

      Tel Aviv University
      Ranked among the world's top 100 universities, Tel Aviv University (TAU) is Israel's largest and most comprehensive university, attracting talented students and renowned faculty from around the globe.The university has a strong interdisciplinary focus and collaborates closely with leading institutions worldwide.
      TAU International programs are designed for ambitious students who are eager to challenge themselves with an intensive academic schedule.
      For further details: https://english.tau.ac.il/
      Hebrew University of Jerusalem
      The Hebrew University is ranked internationally among the 100 leading universities in the world and first among Israeli universities.The Hebrew University stresses excellence and offers a wide array of study opportunities in the humanities, social sciences, exact sciences and medicine. It is the only university in Israel which offers a degree – as well as short academic programs - in Agriculture that are also available for overseas students. 
      The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
      Technion–Israel Institute of Technology is  amongst the world’s top ten, and has produced a long list of notable alumni- including Nobel Laureates .Located in Haifa,the institute has also been acknowledged as one of the world’s leading entrepreneurial ecosystems and incubator for future successful entrepreneurs.
      The Institute offers degrees in science and engineering, and related fields such as architecture, medicine, industrial management and education. 
      The University of Haifa
       The University of Haifa is a developing and dynamic institution with a world-renowned reputation in many different fields of research, and it is one of the leading Universities in Israel in the fields of the Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Welfare and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Education and Management. The University offers 20 international academic programs, in the English language, which attract many excellent students from Israel and abroad.
      The Weizmann Institute of Science
      The Weizmann Institute of Science is one of the world’s leading multidisciplinary basic research institutions in the natural and exact sciences. It is located in Rehovot, Israel, just south of Tel Aviv. It has a long history of investigation and discovery rooted in a mission of advancing science for the benefit of humanity. 
      Ariel University
      Ariel University’s four faculties (Engineering, Social Sciences and Humanities, Natural Sciences, and the Faculty of Health Sciences) and the School of Architecture and School of Communications offer undergraduate degree programs in 26 departments; eight of these departments award master’s degrees. The AU also offers 9 dual-major programs.
      In order to meet the needs of Israel’s society and economy, the university is noted for its excellence in the fields of science, engineering and technology. The university is actively pursuing ways to make higher education available to all in order to bridge social and economic gaps. Students from the social and economic periphery, new immigrants, veterans, observant and non-observant, Jews and Arabs are all embraced at AU, exemplifying the institution’s Zionist values.
      The International Spirit
      Ariel University maintains academic cooperation, including joint research, and student and lecture exchanges, with a long and growing list of universities worldwide.
      The list includes universities in the United States, Canada, China, Australia, Ukraine and Poland. Ariel University's scientists and scholars participate in hundreds of international conferences around the globe.
      AU continues to welcome and explore new opportunities for international academic collaboration.
      A New Spirit in Higher Education
      Ariel University, Israel’s newest university is evolving into a major institution of research and higher education and taking its place among the ranks of Israel’s most honored and respected universities.

      With over 14,000 students and 300 faculty members it represents the full spectrum of Israeli society It is expected that by 2025, enrollment will total 20,000 students. Ariel University is home to 23 research centers, including an integrative brain science center, an applied cancer research center, a center for robotics research and applications, a homeland security R & D center, a world-renowned materials research center, and the Schlesinger Center for Radiation Sources and Applications (FEL – free electron laser particle accelerator). The Institute for Wine Research, in partnership with the Samaria and Jordan Rift R&D Center stands at the forefront of Israeli high-tech and world wine research.