Four for Leslie Gordon

Four for Leslie Gordon

  •   Director of the Rialto Center for the Arts
    1) What qualities of the Vertigo Dance Company do you think are the most compelling and universal? 

    Vertigo is a company like no other. Noa Wertheim’s work is physically beautiful but when studied, has a deep significance and touches people who see it. We are the United States premiere of the new work Reshimo, based on Kabbalah, so I hope that everyone who sees it responds in a way that is special for them.

    2) For those that enjoy Reshimo, are there any additional performances at the Rialto that may be of interest?

           The Rialto presents dance programs all year long, and although each company is different, I would like to mention a show in January, Wendy Whelan’s Restless Creature, featuring the New York City Ballet dancer Wendy Whelan in duets with four different choreographers. Visually very beautiful and each of the four pieces very different.​

    3) What do you think is most powerful about dance as an artistic medium?  

    Dance is universal – it communicates without words. Often people are “afraid” of dance – they feel they need to bring something to it – but that’s not true. Anyone who likes bodies in motion, whether on a basketball court or anywhere else, can find something to appreciate in dance.​

    4) Can you share a piece of advice to young artists based on your extensive experience working in the arts?

           My advice to young artists is that success takes persistence. If you can’t give it ten years, then don’t try it!
