Four for Monica Campana

Four for Monica Campana

    ​Monica Campana, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Living Walls, seeks to promote, educate, and change perspectives toward public space in the Atlanta community via street art. After participating in the 2011 Living Walls Conference, Campana again invited Israeli street artist Know Hope to the 2013 project. She spoke with us about the origins of the conference, the significance of Know Hope's work, and what to expect from the 2013 artists.
  • Know Hope's Mural from the 2011 Living Walls Conference, Located in the Old Fourth Ward in Atlanta

    1.       What is the Living Walls conference? How did it come about?

    Four years ago, my friend and I came up with the idea of putting together a conference putting street and urban artists together to create a platform for discussion about public art. We wanted an event that could engage communities in public spaces. Now we are going on our fourth year. It started with just the two of us, then grew to five, then 21 staff members who are all unpaid. We also have 40 volunteers who assist the staff with our year-round projects and the Living Walls Conference, comprised of ten days of production and five days of events.


    2.       Do you see anything unique come out of the collaboration of local and international artists?

    It is a really good experience to learn from other artists. They live together, eat together, it’s a lot like summer camp in a way. There is a lot to be learned from people in Atlanta, the States, etc. It’s not only about art, but the culture, food, their way of life. It is a great learning experience to exchange ideas with those of different backgrounds.


    3.       This is Israeli artist Know Hope’s second year at the Living Walls Conference. Why did you decide to bring him back for this year’s project?

    When he came for the first time two years ago, Know Hope came to do a living wall concept. He was the only artist in the project who took that approach. He also did a workshop with kids. It was time for Know Hope to come because his art should not only be shown with a certain group of people, it should be shared with other artists. Other artists should be able to experience meeting him and hanging out with him for ten days. His style is very graphic. He is the one artist needed to bring together the whole concept this year. Many of the other artists have a good use of pattern, using bold geometric shapes and illustrations. Know Hope is the piece that fits in the puzzle.


    4.       Where will Know Hope’s work be showcased for the 2013 Living Walls Conference?

    He is working at 75 Georgia Avenue in the Summerhill neighborhood, a couple blocks away from Turner Field. There are two blocks of empty buildings on which we will create nine new murals beginning August 6th, one will be Know Hope's work. We think this will be the biggest impact because we are transforming two blocks of buildings all at once.​
