Four For David D'Or

Four For David D'Or

    ​Internationally acclaimed singer David D'Or has performed for the world's greatest leaders from Nelson Mandela, President Bill Clinton and Pope John Paul II.  Fresh from his private performance for President Barack Obama, D'Or spoke with us about his career and his upcoming concert in Atlanta.

    Interview by Karen Isenberg Jones:​

    KIJ: You have a most unique voice with a range of 4 octaves. Tell me about your training as a vocalist. Did you always have this amazing singing ability or was it something honed through years of training?


    DD: Thank you so much. I can’t say that my voice is something honed trough training.  It is a gift from God.  We can learn how to breath properly  or to use different resonance in our body but the color and  the range of the voice is something that you are born with.  I always had this voice but I learned music in the Music Academy in Jerusalem and it helped me to develop  my style of singing.

    KIJ: You've performed in front of world leaders from Israeli President Shimon Peres to U.S. President Barack Obama. What does it feel like to perform for such important people? Do you get nervous?

    DD: I believe that music is the language of the heart and it’s a beautiful way to connect between people.  For me, singing to people and being able to touch their heart is a great blessing, and it doesn’t matter if they are leaders of the world or ordinary people.  I had the honor to sing to important people such as the Pope, The King of Thailand and President Obama and I was very moved by their reaction to my music and thankful,  but in music there is no importance to position.  It is a spiritual communication between people

    KIJ: You are known as the "Voice from Heaven" and you often sing accompanied by grand orchestras. Many people do not realize you also give rousing performances  and often get crowds dancing on their feet. Can you give us a short preview of what we can expect from your concert here in Atlanta  on the 28th?

    DD: performing with great orchestras is really wonderful.  Surrounded by so many talented musicians who react to each note that I’m singing feels great, but I also like the concert to be less official and  more loose.  It's important for me to have a direct contact with the audience through singing and dancing.  I like to think of the concert as a small gurney of emotions celebrating love between one another and emphasizing all the beautiful things people have in common.

    KIJ: What will we see in your future? Are you planning on releasing another album soon?

    DD: I am working on my 17th Album, writing and composing my songs.  It's like sharing a part of my life with the world hoping that people will love you and identify with your ideas.  It is always an exciting period for me - a little bit like waiting for a baby to be born.


    David D'Or performed at the 2008 "Realize the Dream" celebration honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday at the Covenant Avenue Baptist Church in Harlem, New York – the last church in New York City that Martin Luther King, Jr., spoke at prior to his 1968 assassination. 

    During this visit to Atlanta, D'Or will sing at Sunday Services at Ebenezer Baptist Church – King's home church in Atlanta.

    D'Or says he also hopes to perform one day with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra.
