Reaching Our Highest Potential

Reaching Our Potential


    This week, five Israeli women earned their wings in the prestigious Israeli Air Force. This is a momentous occasion and one that deserves much attention. At the “Order of Wings” ceremony, Prime Minister Netanyahu took the opportunity to remind Israel that women can do anything saying “In a country where women sit in the cockpit, women in this country sit anywhere.”

    I whole heartedly agree. Women excel in everything from athletics (Israeli wind surfer Lee Korzits just won her second gold medal in Australia a couple weeks ago) to politics (Tzipi Livni is the current leader of the Kadima party in the Knesset).
    Soon, Atlantans will also experience Israeli female prowess. Next month, the Israeli Consulate is proudly sponsoring Israel’s most famous prima ballerina, Rina Schenfeld. Rina Schenfeld will share her choreography expertise with students at Kennesaw State University as well as mesmerize audiences with her own solo performance. Rina is the embodiment of grace and strength. She developed her skills in Israel –a place where women are free to reach their highest potential.

    I hope many of you have the chance to see Rina Schenfeld as well as attend the many other cultural events the Consulate is offering in the next couple of months. We are lucky to be able to showcase some of Israel’s tremendously talented women here in the Southeast. They are an inspiration to us all.
