International effort needed to stop Hamas

International effort needed to stop Hamas


    ​By Opher Aviran, Consul General

    Printed in the Knoxville News Sentinel

    At the time of this writing Palestinians in Hamas-ruled Gaza have launched more than 500 rockets into Israel since the beginning of Operation Pillar of Defense. Three Israelis have been killed and dozens injured. Rockets are no longer just landing in the Southern region. As of Friday rockets from Gaza struck areas near Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. This is the first time Jerusalem has been targeted in decades.
    This recent unprovoked bombardment started after Hamas carried out two cross-border attacks since Nov. 8. The rockets are aimed deliberately at cities and have struck a number of public buildings, including schools and synagogues.
    Israel has demonstrated great restraint, both in the current crisis and in the two previous sustained barrages of the past month. However, the escalation of events over the past few days forced Israel to react to the Hamas attacks.
    On Wednesday the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) initiated Operation Pillar of Defense. The aim of the operation is to remove a strategic threat to Israeli citizens. To accomplish this, the IDF will act to reduce the capabilities of Hamas' long- and short-range rocket forces. Additionally, Israel is acting to impair Hamas' command-and-control system.
    The IDF's first tactical move was to neutralize Ahmed Jabari, Hamas' military chief in Gaza and an arch-terrorist. Jabari was responsible for all Hamas terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza Strip in the past decade. He was also directly involved in the abduction of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit in 2006. In addition, Israel targeted the Al-Fajr 5 rocket sites in Gaza, reducing Hamas' ability to launch these long-range missiles capable of hitting Tel Aviv.
    The targets of Israeli operations are all military. Israeli strikes are conducted in a precise surgical manner, in order to reduce to a minimum any effect on the civilian population of Gaza. Israel regrets any injury that may nevertheless be caused to civilians in the Gaza Strip. In sharp contrast, Hamas and the other terrorist organizations hide among the civilian population of Gaza, firing from between buildings and behind mosques, using their own civilians as human shields. They also direct their fire at the population of Israel. These actions constitute a double war crime.
    Despite Israel's 2005 disengagement from Gaza, and the full removal of its military bases and civilian communities, Hamas continues to attack Israel, demonstrating that they're fighting not against Israel's presence in Gaza, but against Israel's very existence.
    Since 2006, about 50 Israelis have been killed in Hamas attacks, and more than 1,700 injured. No country would acquiesce to its citizens being under constant artillery barrage. One cannot imagine hundreds of unprovoked missiles raining down on Knoxville from a neighboring state. Yet in Israel, this is a daily reality.
    Israel's actions have been taken in self-defense. It is the duty and right of every state to protect its civilian population from attack. Israel will not allow its citizens to be targeted by terrorist organizations without responding.
    The international community should act to stop the attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip. Hamas and other terrorist organizations cannot be allowed to act with impunity against the civilian population of Israel.
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