Israel Photography Festival in Tel Aviv, November 2018 | Register now!

PHOTO IS:RAEL - Meitar Award 2018 | Register now!

    The Meitar Award is an international prize awarded for excellence in the field of photography, an initiative of PHOTO IS:RAEL and the Zvi and Ofra Meitar Family Fund.
    By submitting your work, you will have the opportunity to showcase it to a world-class jury, and have the chance to win a grant of $14,000 that includes a one-year long cooperation with a curator and a solo exhibition.

    The jury, compiled of internationally renowned professionals, will select a shortlist of 20 finalists whose works will be presented in a group exhibition at the Israel Photography Festival in Tel Aviv during the month of November 2018.

    The prize will be awarded for the third consecutive year. We are also happy to announce our recent upcoming cooperation with Head On International Photography Festival in Sydney, Australia. Following the finalists’ exhibition at the International Photography Festival in Tel-Aviv in November 2018, the exhibition will move to Head On in Sydney where it will be exhibited in May 2019.

    All the submitted works will be judged anonymously according to their originality and quality. For more information, visit the site:

    ​Register here:



    An independent jury will select 20 photographers for the shortlist. These photographers will be showcased in a group exhibition at the Israel Photography Festival in November 2018  and at Head On Photography Festival in Sydney Australia in May 2019. All works will be judged anonymously based on their originality and quality.


    The jury will select the winner of the Meitar Award 2018 from the shortlist. The winner will receive a grant of $14,000, as well as a solo exhibition at the Israel Photography Festival 2019. The grant includes prize money, a yearlong cooperation with a professional curator and the production of a solo exhibition at the 2019 International Photography Festival.


    The registration for the Meitar Award 2018 is now open for photographers from all over the world, aged 18 and over.
    Before filling the registration form, please ensure that you have read and understood the entry rules completely.
    By submitting your work, you confirm that you own the copyright for the images.
    Each photographer can register only once.
    The early registration fee is 42$. Please note that starting from September 7th the entry fee will be $54.

    Submission deadline is October 16th, 2018.


    Register here: