Israel: Innovation Seminar for European Startup Ecosystem Managers

Innovation Seminar for European Startup Managers

  •   in Israel
    ​StarTAU, the Tel Aviv University Entrepreneurship Center, in partnership
    with key players from the Israeli start-ups ecosystem, is inviting you -
    leaders from the European start-ups ecosystem, to an exclusive 4-days
    seminar, that will expose you and allow you to learn the fundamentals
    of the Israeli start-ups ecosystem.

    The goal of this seminar is to expose the participants to the fundamentals
    This includes educational sessions, panels, visit key players and have
    their best practices. This is also an opportunity to form
    a network of relationships with leaders in the Israeli and European
    The seminar is aimed for an audience of startup ecosystem
    Accelerator managers / Program managers at innovation hubs
    in large corporates / Leaders of entrepreneurship programs in academic
    o rganizations / Governmental Representatives and Attachés
    of the Israeli startup ecosystem, i.e “The Startup Nation”.
    meetings with leaders in the Israeli startup ecosystem who will share
    a network
    startup ecosystem.
    managers from Europe:
    Head of innovation / Business development & startup relations
    institutions / Managers o f co-working spaces / Directors in governmental

    Israel is a global cluster of innovation and entrepreneurship. The Israeli
    ecosystem has been making headlines for the last 10 years, from an
    impressive number of large-scale acquisitions to producing more
    startups per-capita than China, India, Canada, Japan and the UK and
    attracting twice as much venture-capital investment as the US and 30
    times more than Europe. Businesses and Industry Leaders from around
    the world travel to Israel to learn about the Israeli ecosystem and the
    startup culture it surrounds.

    During the 4-days of seminar we will cover a variety of topics surrounding the Israeli
    startup scene; bringing holistic view of the foundation of the Israeli ecosystem. Every day
    of the seminar will be summarized with a networking session that will enable one to one
    opportunities to network with key players in the Israeli and the European start-ups

    DAY 1
    The Foundations of the Israeli Startup Ecosystem | Powered by IVC
    Welcome address from the CEO of StarTAU
    Elena Donets, CEO | Tel Aviv University Entrepreneurship Center (StarTAU)
    Keynote address | Overview of the Israeli startup ecosystem
    The Israeli ecosystem in numbers and data | IVC Research Center
    The foundation of the ecosystem | Tau Ventures
    Keynote address | The Israeli ecosystem from a serial entrepreneur's point of view
    Lunch Break and Networking

    The Role of the Government | Powered by OCS
    Opening address from the track chairman
    Anya Eldan, General Manager - Early Stage and Incubator Programs | Ministry of Economy
    Public-private partnerships fostering open innovation | OCS
    Keynote address | by a representative of the government incubator
    Success stories from startups
    Coffee Break and Refreshments

    Academia as a Catalyst for Innovation | Powered by TAU Ventures
    Opening address from the track chairman
    Prof. David Mendlovic, Chairman at TAU Ventures | Tel Aviv University
    The role of Academia in fostering innovation | TAU Ventures
    PANEL DISCUSSION ONE | Entrepreneurial Academy: An engine of economic growth
    Examining the different models and approaches of leading Israeli universities
    Identifying how academic institutions can benefit from entrepreneurs
    Examining how universities are improving the framework for innovation

    Evening Dinner & Networking | Powered by Tel Aviv Global
    Welcome Dinner and Networking
    Greetings address from Tel Aviv Global
    Eytan Schwartz, CEO | Tel Aviv Global
    Keynote address | Welcome to Tel Aviv
    Home to the Israeli startup scene | Tel Aviv Global

    DAY 2
    Accelerators | Powered by IBM Alpha Zone Accelerator
    Opening address from the track chairman
    Lior Weizman, Startups & Academia Ecosystem Manager | IBM Israel
    Overview of the startup accelerator-landscape in Israel | IBM Alpha Zone Accelerator
    PANEL DISCUSSION TWO | Accelerator programs: Taking startups to the next stage
    Different types of accelerator programs based in Israel
    Identifying accelerator opportunities and future potential
    Success stories from startups
    Lunch Break and Refreshments

    Investments | Powered by Aleph VC
    Opening address from the track chairman
    Michael Eisenberg, Equal Partner | Aleph VC
    Different is better than better: Why we decided to open a different fund in Israel | Aleph VC
    PANEL DISCUSSION THREE | Investments in Israel: Where do we go from here?
    Identifying investment opportunities
    Different fundraising rounds and types
    The impact of VC in developing the ecosystem
    Investments in global markets: challenges and benefits
    Success stories from startups
    Keynote address | Angel investments in Israel

    Meetup: Going Global - Part A | Powered by 500 Startups

    Opening address from the track chairman
    Adam Benayoun, Venture Partner covering the Israeli market | 500 Startups
    Diversity is not just a strategy or tactic. It’s who we are | 500 Startups
    New and different models to build global bridges for entrepreneurs
    Identifying international opportunities and engine for economic growth
    Success stories from startups

    DAY 3 
    Going Global - Part B | IBM R&D Lab
    IBM R&D Lab in Haifa
    Oded Cohn, VP & Director of IBM Research | IBM Israel
    The story of corporate foundation in Israel and the establishment of the lab | IBM R&D Lab in Haifa
    Keynote address | Contribution of international R&D and innovation centers
    to the innovation ecosystem
    Lunch Break in Nazareth

    How to Manage Cultural Differences and Multiculturalism
    Visiting Nazareth Business Incubator Center (NBIC)
    Opening address from track chairman
    Swidan Fadi, Director | Nazareth Business Incubator Center
    Transform and stimulate the Arab-Israeli economy through tech initiatives and startups | NBIC
    Success stories from startups
    Integration of the Haredi community in the high tech industry in Israel | KamaTech, TicTech

    Sightseeing and Dinner in Nazareth's old city
    Nazareth is the capital and the largest city in the northern district of Israel, known as the “Arab
    capital of Israel". The old city of Nazareth boasts many shrines commemorating biblical events and
    picturesque churches.

    DAY 4
    Innovative Thinking | Powered by SIT
    Opening address from track chairman
    Amnon Levav, Co-founder and Managing Director | SIT
    Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT) are help companies and organizations
    achieve their objectives | SIT

    The Role of Communities - Part A
    Visiting an international coworking space | WeWork - Sarona
    Lunch Break and Tour in Sarona

    The Role of Communities | Powered by SOSA
    Opening address from track chairman
    Roy Oron, CEO | Sosa
    The role of social networks in the development of startups | SOSA
    PANEL DISCUSSION FIVE | It takes a village to raise a unicorn
    Meet leading organisations that discuss the key role of the community
    Nurturing innovation and building successful startups
    Success stories from startups

    Closing Event & Networking
    Closing address | Yossi Vardi
    One of Israel’s early entrepreneurs who has co-founded, lead and participated in building
    over 60 high-tech companies
    Opportunity for attendees to meet and share insights with all the speakers and company
    representatives who took part in the seminar
    DAY 4 Thursday 7th April
    The seminar will be led by more than 30 partners and key players in the Israeli
    ecosystem who will expose the participants to the fundamentals
    of the Israeli startup ecosystem.
    *Subject To Change*

    FRIDAY 8TH APRIL - 09.00-17.00
    Field Trip to Jerusalem
    Represents the contemporary - and the future - heart
    of Jerusalem. Mahane Yehuda integrates, in a unique
    way, the old and the new. Both a bustling marketplace
    and a neighborhood, it incorporates food, drinks,
    shopping, bars and restaurants. The shuk still retains
    its most important characteristics: it remains
    authentic, with all the flavors and aromas, the colors
    and the traders' interaction with the crowds.
    Starting at the Lion's Gate, walking along the Via
    Dolorosa (Way of Sorrows), where Jesus walked,
    experiencing the incredible lookout point from the top
    of the Austrian Hospice, making a tour around Church
    of the Holy Sepulcher and the Western Wall and ending
    at Jaffa Gate.

    SATURDAY 9TH APRIL - 09.00-17.00
    Field Trip to Dead Sea
    Descend to the Judean Desert via the inn of the Good
    Samaritan. Ascend Masada by cable car to tour the
    2000-year-old fortress and palace built by King Herod
    with an amazing overlook of the Dead Sea and Jordan
    Drive via Ein Gedi and Qumran, view the caves where
    the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. Float in the
    mineral-rich Dead Sea at 400 m. below sea level - the
    lowest place on earth. Drive back to Jerusalem with
    the overview of Jericho and the old roman road.
    Recommended to bring: hat, bathing suit, towel,
    comfortable shoes and beach sandals.

    Places are limited. Registration will close on March 10th, 2016.
    If you'd like to reserve your spot today, a non refundable 200 EUR deposit is required.
    Please go to:
