“Hope with Art” Exhibition
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“Hope with Art” Exhibition officially opens

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    Dream Doctors at Hope with Art Dream Doctors at Hope with Art Copyright: Embassy of Israel in Addis Ababa

    Addis Ababa -- Hope with Art” Exhibition, is an initiative of the Israeli ART, Joy, and Love project  in cooperation with the Embassy of Israel, where various artistic works of 23 talented children from AHOPE Ethiopia and Artists for Charity orphanages is presented. 

    The exhibition is a colorful product of an intensive 10-day workshop in Netsa Art Village. The artists from Netsa Art Village guided and mentored the children and succeeded in getting the best out of each child. While going through the art pieces, we suggest that you look at them with the eyes of a child.

    We held the official opening ceremony yesterday. During the event, following the welcome speakers (Ambassador Belaynesh Zevadia, followed by Prof. Dan Engelhard from Hadassa Hospital in Jerusalem and Founder and Head of ART-JOY-Love, volunteering in Ethiopia since 2005), musical performances by a girl from AHOPE Ethiopia and Monica Manaker (our Cultural Affairs Director) were presented. Later, dexterous cirus shows by the Ethiopian Fekat Circus group accompanied by the Israeli medical clowns who played along with them in funny movements brightened the sunny Sunday afternoon even more.
    The Israeli medical clowns – called also the Dream Doctors – have been visiting the orphanages in Addis Ababa since 2005. There are now Ethiopian medical clowns – called Doctor Clowns – as well, from the Fekat Circus.
    During the past week, the Israeli and Ethiopian clowns volunteered at AHOPE Ethiopia and also  Black Lion Hospital where they also held a very successful workshop together.
    Among our Ambassador Belaynesh Zevadia, our Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Leo Vinovezky, and our Cultural Affairs Director and co-organizer of the exhibition, Mrs. Monica Manaker, the official opening ceremony of the exhibition was honored by the following dignitaries in attendance :
    · H.E. Ambassador Alfredo Miranda, Ambassador of Mexico in Ethiopia and Djibouti, as well as Permanent Observer to the AU, with Mrs. Miranda;
    · H.E. Mrs. Ann Mutelo, Ambassador of Namibia and Permanent Representative;
    · Prof. Dan Engelhard from ART-JOY-LOVE and the staff;
    · Mrs. Sidisse Buli, Director of AHOPE Ethiopia
    · Members of Netsa Art Village, Fekat Circus, Dream Doctors, Artists for Charity, and all invited guests
    Again welcome to the exhibition! Please feel free to look around and enjoy the artistic talents and shows. The exhibition, will be open during the next 4 days from 8:30AM in the morning to 5PM in the afternoon.