World Day to Combat Desertification
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World Day to Combat Desertification 2019

  •   World Day to Combat Desertification, June 17th 2019
    Israel is the only country in the world where the desert is receding, and was recognized by the United Nations as an expert in combating desertification. As we mark the World Day to Combat Desertification see how Israel is leading the global fight against desertification.
    Desertification is the degradation of land in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas. It is caused primarily by human activities and climatic variations. Poverty, political instability, deforestation, overgrazing and bad irrigation practices can all undermine the productivity of the land. Over 250 million people are directly affected by desertification, and about one billion people in over one hundred countries are at risk. These people include many of the world's poorest and politically weak citizens.
    The World Day to Combat Desertification is observed every June 17th to promote public awareness of international efforts to combat desertification and to remind that Land Degradation Neutrality(LDN) is achievable through problem-solving, strong community involvement and cooperation at all levels.
    This year the World Day to Combat Desertification will be celebrated under the theme of 25 years of implementation of the Convention to Combat Desertification and beyond, focusing on the path the Convention has taken, and the future the Convention could bring. The convention was adopted in 1994 and today its 197 parties implement it in order to protect the land from drought so we can continue enjoying the food, water and energy it provides us. Recovery and restoration of degraded landscapes has been evident in the past 25 years. For example, over five million hectares of degraded land in the Sahel have been restored through a practice known as ‘farmer-managed natural regeneration’, producing additional half a million tons of grain each year.
    In the next 25 years the convention and its parties will proceed towards LDN, which has been defined by the parties as: "A state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems".
    LDN ensures an enabling environment for people, communities and countries to create wealth, grow economies and secure enough food, clean water and energy. The aim of marking this day is to remind everyone of land’s important role in all these vital issues.
    MASHAV's programs to combat desertification and drought
    MASHAV, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation, places special emphasis on the critical issues of development cooperation and assistance in the fight against desertification and drought by introducing international programs of capacity building, training, project development and research.
    MASHAV's approach is based on Israel’s experience in facing harsh climatic conditions, and combines the transfer of adaptable technology, research and development, and hands-on experience originating from leading Israeli experts and institutions. The areas relevant to fighting desertification include, among others: desert agriculture, irrigation, desalination, aquaculture, afforestation and management of water resources.
    Israel is presently active in areas facing severe desertification, especially in the rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, the Sahel and the Horn of Africa, placing special emphasis on training smallholder farmers in irrigation and desert agriculture.
    MASHAV's activities in Israel in 2018-2019
    Since the beginning of 2018, 453 trainees from all over the world participated in MASHAV's capacity building programs held in Israel on desertification-related issues. The programs were held in English, Spanish, French and Russian.
    ·         Clean and environment-friendly technologies - in English
    ·         Irrigation and vegetable production - in French
    ·         Sustainable management of water resources for agricultural development - in Spanish
    ·         Irrigation and field crops - in English
    ·         Intensive vegetable production - in English
    ·         Irrigation and fertilization technologies - in French and English
    ·         Innovative technologies for orchards and vineyards - in Russian
    ·         Agricultural development in arid areas - in English
    ·         Advanced irrigation technologies and farmer associations for water management - in French
    ·         Environmental management of nature parks and reserves- in English (Arava Institute of Environmental Studies)
    ·         Vegetable Nursery Management- in English
    ·         Agroecological approaches for sustainable intensive agriculture- in English
    ·         Agricultural and natural resources - changes in the era of globalization - in English
    ·         Urban water technologies and management systems - in English
    ·         Renewable Energy as a Catalyst for Regional Development- in English
    ·         Green growth policy and economic measures as tools for local and regional sustainable development- in English
    ·         Plant protection- in English
    ·         Fishery- in English
    Thematic Delegations
    ·         Togo: Professionals from Togo participated in a tailor-made study tour held in Israel in the field of vegetable production, water management, irrigation & crop protection. The study tour was held as part of the ongoing MASHAV and ITRA (Togo’s Institute for Agricultural Research) cooperation.
    ·         Kenya: MASHAV hosted a delegation from Muranga County led by Kenya's Principal Secretary for Water & Sanitation, Joseph Irungu, to discuss future joint projects. The delegation was visiting on a study tour organized in Israel by MASHAV on water and wastewater technologies and sustainable management of water resources.
    ·         A delegation of professionals from India participated in a study tour in Israel organized by MASHAV on water technology and management issues. The delegation consisted of representatives from The Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation and from the water ministries of various Indian states.
    Research and Development
    ·         R&D in agriculture and the environment: practices and processes in soil and water
    ·         R&D in intensive agriculture in arid and semi-arid environments
    ·         R&D in vegetable production in a protected environment
    ·         R&D in crop production under saline stress
    ·         R&D in bioinformatics and biotechnology: Today's tools for tomorrow's agriculture in a world of global environmental changes
    ·         R&D in agri-green management: Agri-environmental considerations under climatic changes
    ·         R&D in integrated pest management
    MASHAV's activities abroad in 2018-2019
    On the spot courses: 633 people participated in on the spot courses since the beginning of 2018 in MASHAV's capacity building programs related to issues crucial for combatting desertification. These courses were held in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia and Latin America.
    ·         Water management, Thailand- in English
    ·         Irrigation in intensive agriculture (2 courses), Colombia- in Spanish (Cooperation with ART, a local government organization)
    ·         Irrigation technologies, Ivory Coast- in English
    ·         Fertilization and vegetable irrigation in greenhouses, China- in English (Cooperation with CIICTA)
    ·         Irrigation, Changde, China- in English
    ·         Irrigation and planning seminar, Togo- in French
    ·         Irrigation and fertilization, Ghana- in English (Cooperation with GIZ)
    ·         Irrigation and vegetable growing, Ghana- in English (Cooperation with GIZ)
    ·         Irrigation, Eswatini (Formerly Swaziland)
    ·         Vegetable growing in arid areas, Ethiopia- in English (Cooperation with GIZ)
    ·         Irrigation, Ethiopia- in English (Cooperation with GIZ and The Netherlands)
    ·         Irrigation and fertilization, Rwanda – in English
    ·         Irrigation and vegetable growing, Colombia- in Spanish
    ·         Irrigation methods and vegetable growing, Turkmenistan- in Russian
    ·         Irrigation, Uzbekistan- in Russian (Cooperation with UNDP)
    ·         Greenhouses, Belarus- in Russian
    ·         Plant protection, Rwanda- in English
    Short-term consultancies and professional study visits of Israeli experts:
    Since the beginning of 2018, 11 consultancy missions were carried out by Israeli experts on desertification-related issues. The experts were sent on behalf of MASHAV to Africa, Asia, and Latin America to share their experience and expertise on different projects.
    ·         Kenya- A MASHAV expert visited Kenya in February 2018 for a consultancy mission on treatment of contaminated water sources. The mission was part of the ongoing joint venture with Kenya and Germany which started in 2009 with the goal of increasing the income of fish farmers' households, eradicating poverty in the region and improving the Lake Victoria ecosystem.
    ·         Botswana: A MASHAV expert visited Botswana in March 2018 for a consultancy mission for improving brackish water facilities.
    ·         India: A MASHAV expert visited India in March 2018 to in a consultancy mission on irrigation and vegetable production.
    ·         Malawi: A MASHAV expert visited Malawi in April-May 2018 to for a consultancy mission on irrigation. 
    ·         China: A MASHAV expert visited China in May 2018 to for a consultancy mission on irrigation and vegetable production.
    ·         Cameroon: A MASHAV expert visited Cameroon in May 2018 for assistance in installing an irrigation system.
    ·         Myanmar: A MASHAV expert visited Myanmar in June 2018 for a consultancy mission on irrigation.
    ·         Panama: A MASHAV expert visited Panama in July-August 2018 for a water survey.
    ·         Kenya: MASHAV experts visited Kenya in August 2018 for a consultancy mission on water monitoring. The mission was an outcome of cooperation with GIZ.
    ·         India: A MASHAV expert visited India in October-November 2018 for a consultancy mission
    ·         Panama: MASHAV experts visited Panama in October-November 2018 for a water survey mission regarding the Panama Canal.
    ·         Jordan: MASHAV experts visited Jordan in August 2018 for a consultancy mission on fruit trees. The mission was an outcome of cooperation with JICA
    Multilateral Cooperation Combating Desertification
    ·         Israel-Cameroon-Germany- A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Israel, Cameroon and Germany for the implementation of Phase 2 of the Trilateral Cooperation in Agriculture: Improving the Mango Value-Chain. This was conducted within the framework of the Israel-Germany Africa Initiative. Implementing partners are MASHAV, GIZ and Cameroon’s Ministry of Agriculture (MINADER).
    ·         Israel-Kenya: The 3rd Development Dialogue between the countries was held in Jerusalem. The parties discussed ongoing cooperation and explored further joint activities while stressing their commitment to enhancing bilateral development cooperation. In September, Deputy Head of MASHAV, Ambassador Yuval Fuchs met in Nairobi with Cabinet Secretary of Water and Sanitation to discuss water quality cooperation around Lake Victoria and joint nationwide water projects.
    ·         Israel-Cambodia: The Irrigation and Demonstration Unit established by MASHAV in Cambodia’s Royal University of Agriculture was inaugurated in the presence of distinguished guests. The unit displays Israeli field and protected crops irrigation systems.
    ·         Israel-Togo: A greenhouse was inaugurated by MASHAV and ITRA – Togo’s Institute for Agricultural Research. The greenhouse was opened in The Agricultural Demonstration and Training Center near Lomé displaying modern Israeli agro-technologies and improved seeds for open field and protected crops.
    ·         Israel-Guatemala: The Ambassador of Israel in Guatemala together with Guatemala’s Minister of Agriculture inaugurated three Israeli drip irrigation units donated by MASHAV and installed in Zacapa Agricultural School to demonstrate innovative agro-technologies.
    ·         Israel-Vietnam: An Israeli irrigation demonstration plot was inaugurated at Vietnam’s National University of Agriculture by Deputy Head of MASHAV, Ambassador Yuval Fuchs, commemorating 25 years of Israel-Vietnam diplomatic relations and MASHAV’s 60th anniversary. The aim of the project was to showcase state of the art irrigation and fertilization methods.
    ·         Israel-Ecuador: Smallholder farmer associations in Azuay Province in Ecuador welcomed 20 family drip-irrigation systems donated by MASHAV that will benefit over 150 families in the region. The project is carried out following the initiative of an MATC (MASHAV Agricultural Training Center) graduate, recipient of MASHAV’s Micro-finance Grant. The official ceremony was held in Quito in the presence of local authorities and representatives of the Embassy of Israel in Ecuador.
    Conferences and Symposia
    ·         MASHAV Special Session in Agritech Israel 2018: Two panels and ministerial roundtables were held during the first day of the conference, attended by over 50 delegations of ministers and policy makers from all around the world. During the first panel "Challenges and Solutions in Agriculture and Food Policies in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas" experts Dr. Alon Ben-Gal, Prof. Pedro Berliner and Prof. Alon Tal answered questions and presented their views. In the second panel "Smallholder Farmers Combating the Desert" experts Dr. Shoshan Haran, Ms. Tammy Erann-Soussan and Dr. Ram Fishman presented their ideas on the topic.
    ·         Seminar on Environmental Considerations for Innovative Sustainable Agricultural Development: The professional seminar was held at MASHAV’s International Agricultural Training Center with the participation of leading Israeli experts and over 125 professionals from 43 countries.
    Regional Cooperation
    ·         Regional Agricultural Program: MASHAV, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority participate in a joint regional agricultural program with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) acting as a sponsoring partner. The program benefits the advancements of the Palestinians in agriculture. Training activities focus on techniques related to vegetables, citrus fruits and vine. In 2018, 14 activities on the various subjects were conducted in Israel.
    ·         MASHAV-JICA Agricultural Cooperation in Jordan: The joint cooperation project between MASAHV and JICA started in 2008 and includes professional training in the areas of irrigation, fertilization, organic agriculture and post-harvest care. The program is in its third phase.
    Israel SDG Talking Points
    During the 2015 General Assembly of the United Nations, country members came together to adopt a comprehensive development agenda based on the pillars defined in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. They approved a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. The final document included the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to transform the world, including no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation and growing innovation. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved until 2030 and, for them to be reached, the involvement of governments, the private sector, and civil society is needed. 
    Israel has been an active partner in this process. The UN Millennium Declaration and the Sustainable Development Goals became a key reference point for MASHAV when programming its own agenda. In alignment with the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, MASHAV promotes and engages in development cooperation on bilateral, trilateral and multilateral levels, as well as establishes active dialogues with other donor countries and fellow donor agencies, to effectively intensify development policy and strengthen global alliances.  Aligned with the Sustainable Development Agenda, MASHAV presents a comprehensive, integrative and innovative approach to development challenges. This is both MASHAV's mission and commitment: to contribute to the prosperity and well-being of all populations facing severe development challenges, by enhancing human capacity and creating new opportunities for development, leaving no one behind.
    Israeli Experience and the Promotion of the SDGs
    Israeli experience in reviving the desert and other areas to flourishing agricultural success can contribute to the world in reaching SDG #15: "Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss". Based on Israel's own agricultural and rural development experience to develop the agro and rural sectors under semi-arid and arid climatic conditions, MASHAV's activities include the management of limited natural production resources, introducing applied research and innovative approaches, agro-technologies and agricultural extension, to enhance the achievement of SDG #15. The positive progress towards the accomplishment of SDG #15 will help the world advance towards the attainment of other SDGs, mainly SDGs 1, 2, 3,6, 8 and 13.
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