The Israeli Embassy donated over 20 avocado seedlings to Mekdela Primary School in Addis Ababa
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Donation of over 20 avocado seedlings

  •   The Israeli Embassy donated over 20 avocado seedlings to Mekdela Primary School in Addis Ababa.

    The Israeli Embassy donated over 20 avocado seedlings to support the school feeding project at Mekdela Primary School in Addis Ababa, run by Mr. Eskender Mulugeta & Food Secured Schools Africa (FSSA).

    H.E. Ambassador Raphael Morav who participated in planting the seedlings, praised the school staff and students for their efforts in making Ethiopia greener and emphasized the nutritional merits of avocado.To ensure sustainably, MASHAV expert in Ethiopia conducted a training at the school, ahead of planting the seedlings.

    The seedlings were donated by the nurseries of the Joint MASHAV - Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and USAID Ethiopia joint Smallholder Horticulture Project for the benefit of Mekdela students and their families.

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