• News & Events


    The Year 2013 in Review
    February 2013
       “Hope with Art” Exhibition
    February 2013 (Addis Ababa) – “Hope with Art” Exhibition, is an initiative of the Israeli ART, Joy, and Love project, where the works of 23 talented children from AHOPE Ethiopia and Artists for Charity orphanages in cooperation with the Embassy of Israel.
    The exhibition was a product of an intensive 10-day workshop in Netsa Art Village. The artists from Netsa Art Village guided and mentored the children and succeeded in getting the best out of each child.
    AHOPE Ethiopia is an Ethiopian Residents Charity which is a pioneer in the area of provision of specialized care to destitute HIV-positive orphans and vulnerable children and their extended families in order to improve their health and general living condition.
     Film on Ethiopian-born Israeli long distance runner screened
    February 2013 (Addis Ababa) –– “Running Movie”, a documentary film narrating Haile Satayin’s captivating journey to compete and win the marathon, was screened on February 27th at the Italian Cultural Institute. Satayin is recorded as the oldest marathon runner in the 2008 Summer Olympics.

     March 2013
     The First Ethiopian Business Delegate Visits Israel
    March 2013 (Israel) – The first private business delegation of Ethiopian businessmen and women made an official visit to Israel during March 17-20, 2013.
    The venture was made in a bid to bring Israel's technology and smart ideas to businesses in Ethiopia by way of partnering with the Ethiopian businesses and people. As an eye opening experience, the visit has successfully undertaken seminars, business to business meetings, and official business tours in Israel.

    Israeli Hadassah Hospital gives microscopes worth €7,000 to Mekelle University Ayder Hospital
    March 2013 (Mekelle) –– The Israeli Hadassah University Teaching Hospital gave 10 microscopes worth 7,000 Euros to Mekelle University (MU) College of Health Sciences in light of the flourishing partnership they embarked on. The granting ceremony was held at Ayder Hospital in coordination with the Embassy of Israel.
     Representing the Dean and community of Hadassah Hospital, Professor Shlomo Maayan handed the microscopes to Dr. Kindeya G/Hiwot (Academic Vice Chancellor and acting President of Mekelle University) along with Dr. Zerihun Abebe (Dean of College of Health Sciences, Mekelle University). The equipment is presented to be used for Histology studies for MU medical students.
    Ambassador Belaynesh Zevadia interview
     by local media
       THE ETHIOPIAN HERALD                                     MARCH 10, 2013
    [Reporting by the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA)]
    Ethiopian runners win Jerusalem Marathon 2013!

    March 2013 (Jerusalem) – Ethiopian runners won the 2013 Jerusalem Marathon in both men and women races. Abraham Ketla in the men’s competition won setting a record for the race which included 20,000 runners. Mihiret Anotonios and Radiya Mohammed won first and second places, with Mihiret setting a record in the women's race with 2:47:26.
     Ethiopian-born Israeli crowned Miss Israel 2013!
    The SUB-SAHARAN INFORMER                SUNDAY - MARCH 17, 2013

    Miss Israel was given a warm reception at Ambassador’s residence. [In the picture with Ambassador Belaynesh and Deputy Ambassador Leo Vinovezky.] 
    His Holiness Abune Mathias enthroned 6th Patriarch of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church
    Abune Mathias pictured above with Amb. Belaynesh and Deputy Amb. Leo
    April 2013
    USAID-MASHAV-MoA Smallholder program introduces acclimatization of tissue culture plants at Holeta center
    April 2013 (Holeta) – Acclimatization training courses were conducted at the Holeta Agricultural Research Center by Israeli Small Holder Horticulture (SHH) coordinator and Holeta Tissue Culture laboratory staff. The trainees came from local tissue culture laboratories working with SHH program (6 laboratories) as well from private/commercial sectors and two universities (Addis Ababa and Bahir Dar). The training addresses background on Tissue Culture (TC) and characteristics of TC plants, methods, equipment and facilities for TC plants acclimatization and recommended use of TC plants. The training combines theoretical background (morning lectures) with practical training (afternoons).

     Holocaust Memorial Observed in Trio
    April 2013 (Addis Ababa) – The Embassies of Israel, Germany, Poland along with the Goethe Institute, and the international community observed the 2013 Holocaust Memorial Day and a solemn ceremony, April 8, 2013 evening, held at the Goethe Institute. The processions consisted of remarks by Ambassador of Israel, Amb. Belaynesh Zevadia, and representatives of Embassies of Germany, and Poland followed by lighting of torches, and a special musical presentation, ending with a short Israeli documentary film: “The Last Korczak Boy”.

      Embassy colorfully celebrates Israel's 65th Independence Day
    April 2013 – A warm Celebration of Israel’s 65th Independence Day was held at the Addis Ababa Hilton Hotel on the evening of April 15th.

     May 2013
    Embassy participates in Addis Int’l Film festival
    [Reporting by Capital newspaper] 
     June 2013
    Training on Fruits and Vegetables at Butajira Center for Agriculture Excellence
    Class Exercise                                                                          Drip Irrigated Onion Field
    Soil Preparation for Vegetable Nursery                       Vegetables Seed Sowing        
     Ambassador of Ethiopia to Israel, H.E. Helawe Yosef Visits WMC Surgery, SACH House
    June 2013 – Ambassador of Ethiopia to Israel, H.E. Hilawe Yosef, visited the Wolfson Medical Center (WMC) and Save a Child's Heart training in Israel.
    The visit went very well. The Ambassador toured Wolfson Hospital and visited the Operating Theatre where he met Dr Ejigu Yayehyirad Mekonnen, an Ethiopian heart surgeon taking part in the Save a Child's Heart training program. After the hospital tour the Ambassador visited the Save a Child's Heart children's home where he met children and mothers from Ethiopia and from around the world who were brought to Israel to undergo lifesaving heart surgery. The Ambassador was very impressed with the project and we hope to continue and cooperate with him in the future.

     July 2013
     Youth Agriculture Project in Tigrai launched: Governments of Germany and Israel Offer Funds and Expertise
    July 2013 (Kilte Awlalo, Tigray) – The inauguration event of a new joint venture by the governments of Germany and Israel collaborating with Ministry of Agriculture of Ethiopia and FAO was held on 3rd of July, 2013, where representatives of these governments officially laid the foundation of 1.5 hectare of plantation project endeavors to rehabilitate landless youth association members of Kilte Awlalo Kebele located near Wukro woreda, Tigrai Regional State.
    The youth aged 30 and below were clustered under a 31-member Farmers’ Association, of which 15 are women, established with the aim of providing livelihood to landless young farmers –– thereby encouraging them to come out robust and optimistic in their efforts to enhance their lives at large. 
    August 2013
    Deputy Ambassador Leo Vinovezky interview with Capital newspaper
     September 2013
    ወደ ዩኒቨርስቲ የሚገቡ ሴት ተማሪዎች ትምህርታቸውን ዳር እንዲያደርሱ ተጠየቀ
    ከፍተኛ ውጤት በማምጣት በዚህ ዓመት ወደ ዩኒቨርስቲ  የሚገቡ ወጣት ሴት ተማሪዎች በዩኒቨርስቲ ቆይታቸው የሚገጥማቸውን ማንኛውንም ፈተና ተቋቁመው የጀመሩትን ትምህርት በብቃት ከፍጻሜ ማድረስ እንደሚጠበቅባቸው ቀዳማዊት እመቤት ሮማን ተስፋዬ አመለከቱ። የአዲስ አበባ ትምህርት ቢሮ ከቪዥን ፎር ጀነሬሽን ጋር በመተበበር በአፍሪካ ኅብረት የመሰብሰቢያ አዳራሽ ለሴት ተማሪዎች የስኬት ተሞክሮ መቅሰሚያ መርሃ ግብር አካሂዷል።
    በትውልድ ኢትዮጵያዊት የሆኑት በኢትዮጵያ የእስራኤል አምባሳደር በላይነሽ ዘቫዲያ በበኩላቸው ሴት ተማሪዎች የሕይወት ትልማቸውን ሳያሳኩ በጊዜያዊ ደስታና እርካታ መደለል እንደማይጋባቸው መክረዋል፡፡ ሴት ተማሪዎች የዩኒቨርስቲን ፈታኝ ህይወት በስኬት ካጠናቀቁ እንደሳቸውና እንደሌሎች ስኬታማ እንስቶች ካሰቡት ደረጃ መድረስ  አገራቸውን ማስጠራት እንደሚችሉ ገልጸዋል።
    [Reporting by the Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency]
      October 2013
    Pres. Mulatu holds talks with Ambassadors of Israel, Spain
    October 2013 (Addis Ababa) – President Mulatu Teshome has expressed Ethiopia’s keenness to boost existing ties with Israel particularly in economic sector. The president made the remark on Monday while holding talks with Israeli Ambassador to Ethiopia Belaynesh Zevadia. The discussions were focused on ways of fostering relations between the two countries.
    Also same day, the President received and held talks with Miguel Fernandez, Spanish Ambassador to Ethiopia. The two sides discussed ways to strengthen relations particularly in diplomatic and investment spheres.
    [Reporting by the Ethiopian News Agency]
    600,000 children and adults treated by Israeli, UK, and Ethiopian NGOs
    The Daily Monitor                                              October 2, 2013
    November 2013
    Israeli doctors saved Ethiopian boy mauled by wild hyena
    November 2013 (Israel) –– An 8-year old Ethiopian boy Abdulrazak, attacked by a wild hyena received life-saving medical treatment through the joint humanitarian efforts of Amb. Belaynesh Zevadia, Israeli diplomat Ismail Khaldi, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee [JDC], and Western Galilee  Hospital in Nahariya, Israel.
    አዲስ ዘመን newspaper also published a feature story about it onNovember 27, 2013 [ህዳር 18: 2006 ዓ. ም.] Here is link: 
    Embassy participates in 6th Ethio-Chamber International Trade Fair

    Embassy takes part at 2013 Diplomatic Bazaar in Addis

     Israeli Business Delegates hold B2B Seminar with Ethiopian counterparts

    November 2013 (Addis Ababa) – The Israeli Embassy, Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce & Sectorial Associations (ECCSA), and the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce held a Seminar at Intercontinental Addis Hotel on the 28th of November, 2013, that consisted of insightful presentations and discussions made by Israeli Business delegation and Ethiopian counterparts among whom was the honorable Mrs. Mulu Solomon (President of the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations).
    The Israeli delegation, which comprised representatives of Israeli companies from different sectors, came with keen interest to learn investment and business opportunities in Ethiopia. Following the opening presentations and the seminar, members of the delegation held rounds of business-to-business meetings with their Ethiopian counterparts to explore business opportunities and establish contacts. 




     Ethiopian First Lady honors Women Leaders’ Conference in Israel
    November, 2013 (Israel) –– The International Women Leaders’ Conference, held in Haifa, Israel, from November 3 to 8, 2013 was honored by the attendance of H.E. Mrs. Roman Tesfaye, First Lady of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, who served in chairing plenary sessions during the conference.
     December 2013
    Monica Manaker conducts “AHUN Concert” at Italian Cultural Institute
    December 2013 (Addis Ababa) – AHUN/NOW/አሁን Concert was performed by Monica Manaker, singer, song-writer, and Cultural Affairs Director at the Embassy along the Ethiopian Addis Taem Band – a unique mix of Ethio-Israeli-Latino music at Italian Cultural Institute.
    The esteemed Ethiopian singer Girma Tefera as well as Cultural Dancer Melaku Belay were the enchanting additions to the concert.

    Embassy celebrates Hannucha with friends
    December 2013 – Representatives from the Ethiopian government, ministers, high rank officials, invited guests, and friends of Israel celebrated Hannucha with us together at the Ambassador’s residence.
    Above from left to right: Ethiopian Minister of Culture and Tourism, H.E. Mr. Amin Abdulkadir; Special Advisor to the Ethiopian PM, H.E. Dr. Fasil Nahom; Ambassador Belaynesh Zevadia; Ethiopian State Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Amb. Birhane Gebre-Kirstos; Israeli Embassy’s Economic Affairs Attaché.

     Visiting universities in Ethiopia for cooperation in various fields
    At different occasions during 2013 – Deputy Ambassador Leo Vinovezky visited the Universities of Addis Ababa, Gondar, Mekele, and Bahir Dar. In December, he met in Hawassa with one of Israel's best friends in the south, Dr. Gete Tsegaye (PhD), Dean at the School of Graduate Studies of Hawassa University. She is a psychologist and a MASHAV Alumni. MASHAV is Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation under the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    Right: Leo Vinovezky with Dr. Gete Tsegaye (PhD) – Dean at School of Graduate Studies, Hawassa University
    Left: Leo with Dr. Dessalegn Mengesha Academic Vice-President, Gonder University
    Above: Visiting ear surgery facility of Girar Bet Hospital in Butajira with Monica Vinovezky, Prof. Redda Haimanot, and Dr. Udi Katzenel from Israel.
    In February Leo traveled to Bahir Dar to discuss with Dr. Baylie Damtie bilateral cooperation prospects in the areas of Agriculture, Medicine, Engineering, and Water Quality, as pictured below.
    Ambassador Belyanesh and Consul Nati visit Israeli company in Debrezeit
    December 2013  Ambassador Belaynesh and Consul Nati Bar-Natan in late December visited JOYTECH –– an Israeli company which exports “Made-In-Ethiopia” products all over the world.
    Swedish Jews visit in Ethiopia and reception by Ambassador Belaynesh
